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Man Uses Trash Can to Catch Alligator

Man Uses Trash Can to Catch Alligator

News For Kids

2021/11/29 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Here's a question for you. What animal is big, green, ugly, and sounds like this?

Wow! That's scary! Did you guess what it is? It's an alligator.

Did you know that there are more than a million alligators in Florida?

That's right - there are over a million alligators in the U.S. state of Florida.

What would you do if you saw an alligator?

I would run as fast as I could to get away.

But alligators are really fast.

Some can run about 50 kilometers an hour.

A man in Florida named Eugene Bozzi saw an alligator in his neighbor's yard.

It was two-meters long.
在 Florida,有一個人發現他鄰居的院子,有一隻兩公尺長的鱷魚!

But Eugene didn't run away.

He used a garbage can to catch the alligator.
但是Eugene 沒有逃跑,而是用大垃圾桶把鱷魚抓起來。

Eugene is a strong guy. But the alligator was strong, too.

It made a big noise in the trash can. But Eugene didn't run away.

He trapped the animal in the garbage can and shut the lid.

Then he rolled the garbage can to a pond and let the alligator go in the water.
Eugene 把鱷魚弄進垃圾桶裡,蓋上蓋子,然後把桶子推到水池邊,讓鱷魚回到水裡。

I'm glad Taiwan doesn't have any alligators!


  1. Trash 垃圾。
    Let's clear away the trash. 我們來把這些垃圾清走。
    This is not trash. 這不是垃圾。
    It's my art project. 這是我的藝術作品。
    Okay, gee, I'm sorry. 真抱歉。

  2. Fast 很快地。
    Alligators can run very fast. 鱷魚可以跑很快。
    Of course, they have four legs. 當然,牠們有四條腿。
    But I can run fast too. 但是我也可以跑很快。
    Faster than alligators? 比鱷魚快嗎?
    That I'm not sure. 這我不確定。

  3. Catch 抓住。
    What did you catch today? 你今天抓到什麼?
    Two fish and a turtle. 兩條魚和一隻烏龜。

  4. Strong 強壯的。
    How strong is a turtle shell? 烏龜殼有多強?
    Very strong. 很強。
    You can't break it with stones. 你沒辦法用石頭打破它。

trash 垃圾
fast 很快地
catch 抓住
strong 強壯的


  1. Where did Eugene see the alligator?
    A: In some water near his home
    B: In a garbage can
    C: Around his neighbor's home

  2. How fast can alligators run?
    A: About 5 kilometers an hour
    B: About 15 kilometers an hour
    C: About 50 kilometers an hour

  3. What did Eugene do with the alligator?
    A: He let it go in a pond.
    B: He took it to a zoo.
    C: He gave it to his neighbor.

  4. C
  5. C
  6. A