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The 101-Year-Old Dancer

The 101-Year-Old Dancer

News For Kids

2023/03/10 | 00:05:16 | SoundOn #education

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Today I'd like to tell you all about someone very special. She's called Dinkie Flowers.

Dinkie lives in a sleepy town in the south of England. All her life, Dinkie has loved to dance. She started dancing when she was just 3 years old, and hasn't stopped!
Dinkie Flowers住在英國南方一個純樸的村莊,她很喜歡跳舞,從3歲就開始,到現在仍然樂此不疲。

When she grew up, she became a professional dancer. As long as Dinkie was dancing, she was happy.

She even opened her own school. She teaches people all her best dance moves! She calls it "The Dinkie Flowers Stage School".
她甚至創辦了自己的學校來教跳舞,叫做 Dinkie Flowers 表演學校。

A few years ago, Dinkie was on TV! She was in a competition called "The Greatest Dancer".
幾年前,Dinkie 參加了一個叫做「最偉大的舞者」的電視比賽。

Incredibly, Dinkie is 101 years old! She's one of the oldest people in the UK! When she was on TV, she was 98!
不可思議地,Dinkie 上電視的時候,她是 98 歲,今年已經101歲了!她是英國人瑞的其中一位。

Her friends and family all say she still looks super young! What's her secret?! She says it's because she loves dancing so much!

Her favorite dance is ballet. She practices every day. She believes that as long as you keep on moving, you can live forever! Keep on dancing, Dinkie!


  1. best 最好的
    A dance teacher came to our school today. 今天有一位跳舞老師來我們學校。
    What did she do? 她做了什麼呢?
    It's he. 他是男生。
    He's one of the best hip hop dancers in Taiwan. 他是台灣最棒的嘻哈舞者。

  2. move 動作
    Wow ! So he showed you his dance moves? 所以他表演舞步給你們看?
    Yeah, and the kids loved him so much! 對啊,孩子們超喜歡他!

  3. keep on 持續
    They kept on dancing and moving. 他們一直蹦蹦跳跳。
    I wish he could come back and teach us more. 我希望他能再回來教我們更多。

  4. become 變成
    And you'll all become cool hip hop dancers! 這樣你們都會變成很酷的嘻哈舞群!
    We may stage a show someday! 我們有一天還會登台演出呢!

So what words have you learned today?
best 最好的
move 動作
keep on 持續
become 變成


  1. Where in the south of England does Dinkie Flowers live?
    A: A sleepy town
    B: A spooky town
    C: A silly town

  2. What is Dinkie Flowers' school called?
    A: The Dinkie Flowers Music School
    B: The Dinkie Flowers Dance School
    C: The Dinkie Flowers Stage School

  3. How old was Dinkie Flowers when she was on TV?
    A: 96
    B: 97
    C: 98


  1. A
  2. C
  3. C