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Easter Bunnies and Easter Eggs

Easter Bunnies and Easter Eggs

News For Kids

2022/04/15 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hey, there! You students probably know a lot about Christmas. There are presents, Christmas trees, lots of songs, and Santa Claus.

But how much do you know about Easter? It's another big holiday in the West. It happens in March or April. This year, it is on April 17th.

Let me tell you a few things about Easter. First, you need to know about the Easter Bunny.

Some kids eat Easter bunnies on Easter.

Oh, don't worry! These aren't real rabbits. They are made of chocolate. They are chocolate Easter Bunnies. Yummy!

A fun thing people do around Easter time is paint Easter eggs. These are real eggs that are hard-boiled. After the eggs cool down, people paint them.

They can be really, really pretty. You can find pictures online of beautiful Easter eggs from all over the world.

Easter is a religious holiday. The holiday is about Jesus Christ.

But you don't have to be religious to love Easter. You just need to love chocolate bunnies and pretty eggs!


  1. Holiday 假日,節日
    Is the Dragon Boat Festival a big holiday? 端午節是大節日嗎?
    It is for me because I love zongzi. 對我來說是,因為我很喜歡粽子。

  2. March 三月
    March has some cool holidays. 三月有一些很酷的節日。
    Yeah, like what? 比如說什麼?
    Like Women's Day. 比如說婦女節。

  3. April 四月
    I prefer April. 我比較喜歡四月。
    Because of Easter? 是因為復活節嗎?
    No, because it has days off like Children's Day. 不,是因為它有像兒童節那樣真正的假日。

  4. Boil 煮
    I'm boiling eggs for my salad. 我正在煮蛋準備做沙拉。
    Would you like one? 你要吃一個嗎?
    Sure. I love boiled eggs. 當然,我很喜歡煮蛋。

holiday 假日,節日
March 三月
April 四月
boil 煮


  1. When does Easter happen?
    A: March
    B: April
    C: March or April

  2. What do some parents buy for their kids for Easter?
    A: Chocolate bunnies
    B: Real rabbits
    C: Colorful baskets

  3. What special thing do people do with Easter eggs?
    A: Throw the eggs at each other
    B: Paint the eggs
    C: Step on the eggs


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B