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From Golf Course to Public Park

From Golf Course to Public Park

News For Kids

2023/02/23 | 00:05:03 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode



I love playing golf! It lets you walk outside and enjoy nature while you play.

Golf courses are big outdoor spaces, with lots of grass and trees. But only golfers can use them.

Frodsham Golf Course in England used to be for golfers only. The golfers had to pay money to play there.
英國的 Frodsham 高爾夫球場就是這樣,球員要付錢才能進場。

Some people think that's not fair. Such a big place should be for everyone to share. So Frodsham Golf Course is now a public park!
有一些人覺得這樣子不公平。這麼大的地方應該讓大家共享。後來,Frodsham 球場就變成了一座公園!

Because of COVID-19 many people had to stay away from the busy city. They started coming to this golf course to relax, walk their dogs, and be in nature.

It's the perfect place for a park. There are already lots of old trees, and people want to plant more of them. They will also plant wildflowers.

Around the world, more and more golf courses are becoming public parks. This way, everyone can enjoy these beautiful places.


  1. enjoy 享受
    I'm all stressed out. 我壓力好大!
    I can't seem to enjoy anything. 我好像什麼都沒辦法享受。
    You really need to relax. 你一定要放輕鬆。

  2. park 公園
    Let's walk the dog tonight at the park.我們今晚去公園裡遛狗吧。
    How will that help me? 那對我有什麼好處?

  3. grass 草地
    You'll get to see the stars, feel the breeze, and… 你可以看星星,感覺到涼風,還有…
    And fall asleep? 還有睡著嗎?
    No, I won't let you sleep on the grass. 不,我不會讓你睡在草地上。

  4. nature 自然
    That's very kind of you. 你人真好。
    But I'm staying away from nature. 但是我要遠離大自然。
    Why?! 為什麼啊?!
    Because there's no TV out there. 因為那裏沒有電視。

enjoy 享受
park 公園
grass 草地
nature 自然


  1. Where is Frodsham Golf Course?
    A: Ireland
    B: Scotland
    C: England

  2. What will the golf course become?
    A: A swimming pool
    B: A public park
    C: A busy city

  3. Who can enjoy a public park?
    A: Everyone
    B: Only golfers
    C: Only dogs


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A