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The Year of the Rabbit

The Year of the Rabbit

News For Kids

2023/01/19 | 00:05:18 | SoundOn #education

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Happy New Year everyone! Next week will be the start of the Year of the Rabbit!

Last year was the Year of the Tiger. Tigers are big, strong and brave! Rabbits are small, cute and fluffy!

In old Chinese stories, the tiger was the king of all the animals! So, in the Year of the Tiger, people are really brave! They make big choices in their lives. Their choices don't always go super well, but a tiger is never afraid to try!

Just like in real life, the rabbit in those stories was very different from the tiger. It was the gentlest, most thoughtful animal. So, in the Year of the Rabbit, people like to help each other.

The rabbit's gentle nature calms the tiger's crazy ups and downs!

Even though rabbits are kind and gentle, they are also fast and clever! So this year should be lucky for everyone!

We'll all be lucky in our lives: at school, at work, and with our friends and family…

So, let's all say goodbye to the roaring tiger, and hello to the lucky rabbit! See you next year!


  1. cute 可愛的
    The Year of the Rabbit is about to start. 兔年就要開始了。
    Yeah, I love rabbits! 我喜歡兔子!
    Why? 為什麼?
    Because they're cute and gentle. 因為牠們很可愛又很溫和。

  2. fast 快速的
    And they don't need to work hard. 而且還不用努力工作。
    But if a tiger comes after them, they have to run hard! 但是假如有老虎來追牠們,就得拼命跑。
    That's okay. They're fast runners. 那又沒關係,牠們跑很快。

  3. crazy 瘋狂的
    I'm thinking of keeping two rabbits. 我在想養兩隻兔子。
    At home? You're crazy! 養在家裡嗎?你瘋了!

  4. animal 動物
    You're too busy to care for the animals. 你那麼忙,沒辦法照顧動物的。
    I'll take them to work. 我會帶牠們上班。

cute 可愛的
fast 快速的
crazy 瘋狂的
animal 動物


  1. What New Year starts in a few days?
    A: The Year of the Tiger
    B: The Year of the Rabbit
    C: The Year of the Pigeon

  2. In old Chinese stories, what was the tiger?
    A: King of the jungle
    B: King of the animals
    C: King of the world

  3. What do people like to do in the Year of the Rabbit?
    A: Help each other
    B: Make big choices
    C: Eat carrots


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A