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Garden Grows Vegetables under the Sea

Garden Grows Vegetables under the Sea

News For Kids

2021/10/27 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Gardens are great! They are places people grow vegetables. They can be on the ground and on people's roofs. They can even be on balconies. 蔬菜可以種在地上,陽台或是屋頂上。

But, did you know there is also a garden under the sea? 連海底也可以種蔬菜。

It's called Nemo's Garden. It's under the ocean near Italy. 尼莫的菜園在義大利附近的海中。

How do you grow vegetables under the sea? That's a good question. People put the plants inside balls. They call these balls "pods." Inside the pods are vegetables, like lettuce, tomatoes, peas, and mushrooms. 把蔬菜的種子放進圓球狀的容器裡面,可以種生菜,番茄,豌豆,還有蘑菇。

The pods are tied to the bottom of the sea with chains. They are about eight meters under the ocean. People say the vegetables grow faster underwater and taste better, too. 圓球用鐵鍊固定在海底,距離海面大約八公尺。

There are not many pods right now. Nemo's garden is an experiment. People want to see if growing vegetables underwater is a good idea. 這個菜園是一個實驗,人們想知道是不是個好主意。

Growing vegetables under the sea is a lot of work. People need to wear scuba equipment. I hope the Nemo's Garden experiment works well. Maybe it can help us grow lots of vegetables in the future. That would be great!



  1. Vegetable 蔬菜。
    Do you like eating vegetables? 你喜歡吃蔬菜嗎?
    Yes, I like salad. 喜歡,我愛吃沙拉。
    Tuna and egg salad is my favorite. 我最愛鮪魚雞蛋沙拉。
    But there's no vegetables in that. 可是它裡面沒有蔬菜。

  2. Grow 種植。
    My mom grows a lot of tomatoes in her garden. 我媽媽在園子裡種好多番茄。
    How fast do they grow? 它們長多快?
    Very fast. 很快。

  3. Inside 在裡面。
    There's something inside the box. 盒子裡面有東西。
    Let's open it. 我們來打開它。
    No, we can't. It's locked. 沒辦法,它上鎖了。

  4. Experiment 實驗。
    Let's do an experiment. 我們來做個實驗。
    What experiment? 什麼實驗?
    One with frogs.青蛙的實驗。

Please try to use these words in your conversation.
vegetable 蔬菜
grow 種植
inside 在裡面
experiment 實驗


Q1: What is this story about?
A: A man named Nemo
B: A special garden under the ocean
C: The importance of eating vegetables

Q2: What do people say about the vegetables?
A: They grow faster and taste better.
B: They don't grow very well.
C: They look like balls.

Q3: What is true about Nemo's Garden?
A: People live there in plastic balls.
B: It is a kind of experiment.
C: It is near the United States.

1. B
2. A
3. B