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South Koreans Change Their Age

South Koreans Change Their Age

News For Kids

2023/01/02 | 00:05:08 | SoundOn #education

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Birthdays are great! I can't wait until my birthday, when I will turn one year older.

My birthday is in August. What month is your birthday? On that special day, you can add one year to your age.

Actually, there's one place where everybody gets older on the same day. That place is South Korea. How can this be?
In South Korea, there is an old way to count a person's age. On January 1st, every person adds one year to their age.

That means no matter what day their birthday is, they get one year older on New Year's Day.

Many South Koreans don't like this old way. For one thing, it's hard for the rest of the world to understand. South Koreans don't want to spend too much time explaining their age.

What's more, the old way makes South Koreans feel too old. They want to get older on their own birthday, not on New Year's Day. After all, everybody loves to celebrate their special birthday!

Starting this year, the old way will change. From now on, South Koreans will get older on their birthday, just like the rest of the world. Plus, this new way will make everybody feel a little younger.


  1. old 老的
    My birthday is next week. 我下星期生日。
    And you'll still be 25. 而你仍然是25歲。
    Yes, I'll stay 25 years old for 10 years. 對,未來十年我都是25歲。

  2. count 數數目
    I'd say you can't count. 我說你不會數數目。
    I'm perfectly able to count. 我完全會數數目。
    I just don't want to get older. 我只是不想變老。

  3. younger 比較年輕的
    You are getting older whether you want to or not. 你會變老,不管你想不想。
    I know that! I also know that I'm not getting any younger. 我知道,我也知道我不會變年輕。

  4. age 年齡
    Then why do you want to stay at the age of 25? 那你為什麼要停留在25歲?
    So that I can remain young at heart. 這樣我才能保持內心年輕。

old 老的
count 數數目
younger 比較年輕的
age 年齡


  1. What happens on your birthday?
    A: You get older
    B: You get younger
    C: You get hungry

  2. In the past, when did South Koreans get older?
    A: New Year's Day
    B: Christmas Day
    C: Saturday

  3. How did the old way make South Koreans feel?
    A: Too cold
    B: Too bold
    C: Too old


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C