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The World's Biggest Dance Marathon

The World's Biggest Dance Marathon

News For Kids

2023/04/28 | 00:05:15 | SoundOn #education

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Tomorrow is International Dance Day! Dancing is cool. We can feel good, have fun, and listen to great music!

A university in the USA has a marathon.

There are marathons all over the world. In many marathons, people run a long, long way. They run for 42 kilometers. Most run to get money for others. They give the money to people who need help.

At Penn State University's marathon, students don't run. They dance! It's a dance marathon! Students dance for a long, long time. Penn State University has the world's biggest dance marathon.

Students dance for 46 hours. That's nearly two days! No-one can sit or sleep! There is live music. There are DJs and dance crews. These help tired students to dance, dance, dance!
學生們連續跳舞46 個小時,不能坐下,也不能睡覺。現場 DJ 會放音樂,讓大家不停地跳!

This year over 707 students danced. They got 15 million US dollars! That's 458 million NT dollars! The money is helping very sick kids.


  1. tired 疲倦的
    Oh, My God! I'm so tired! 天哪,我好累!
    Uh hm, you've danced for three hours! 對啊,你跳了三個鐘頭了!
    Really? That long? 真的?有那麼久喔?

  2. sit 坐著
    Now I must sit for a while. 現在我得坐一下了。
    How come you're not dancing? 你怎麼沒有跳舞?
    I was, but I'm listening to the music now. 我剛剛有跳,現在我在聽音樂。

  3. music 音樂
    Oh no, this is salsa, my favorite dance! 糟糕,這是騷沙,我最喜歡的舞曲!
    I'd have to do this one! 這我一定要跳!

  4. help 幫忙
    Come on, let's dance together! 來吧,我們一起跳!
    Alright, but you have to help me. 好吧,但是你得幫我。

tired 疲倦的
sit 坐
music 音樂
help 幫忙


  1. Where is Penn State University?
    A: The UK
    B: The UAE
    C: The USA

  2. How many hours is the world's biggest dance marathon?
    A: 426 hours
    B: 4 to 6 hours
    C: 46 hours

  3. How much money did the students get this year?
    A: 15 million US dollars
    B: 707 million US dollars
    C: 458 million US dollars


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A