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Duck Recorded Talking Like a Person

Duck Recorded Talking Like a Person

News For Kids

2021/11/08 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Polly want a cracker?

Have you ever heard of a talking parrot?

Of course you have. Parrots are famous for being able to speak. Parrots know how to copy the way humans talk. 鸚鵡會學人類說話。

But have you ever heard of a talking duck?

According to experts, there's a kind of duck that can make sounds like people, too. This kind of duck is called a musk duck. Musk ducks are from Australia.

Musk ducks are special, because if they spend enough time around people, they learn the way people sound. After they learn these sounds, they can make similar noises. They sound like they are repeating the words that people say!

Musk ducks can copy the sound of other things, too. They copy the sounds of other animals, and even noises. There is even a recording of one musk duck copying the sound of a car door closing.

That's pretty impressive!

Are you good at copying sounds like a musk duck?

I think that is very difficult! I don't think I could make the sound of a closing car door with my voice!

Nope… I can't.

Do you know of any other animals that sound like people?


  1. Learn 學習。
    I'm learning to speak like a chimpanzee. 我在學黑猩猩講話。
    Why do you want to learn that? 為什麼你要學那個?
    I may need it someday. 也許有一天我要用到。

  2. Copy 模仿,複製。
    Can you copy a duck's sound? 你能模仿鴨子的聲音嗎?
    No, but I can copy my dog's barking. 不行,但是我可以模仿我的狗狗叫聲。

  3. Sound 聲音。
    Some birds can make beautiful sounds. 有的鳥會發出很好聽的聲音。
    I know. I like the sounds of Taiwan hua-mei. 我知道,我喜歡台灣畫眉的叫聲。

  4. Duck 鴨子。
    Look at those baby ducks crossing the street! 你看那些小鴨子過馬路!
    Oh, so cute ! 真可愛。
    They are all following their mom. 牠們都緊緊跟著媽媽。
    That's what baby ducks do. 小鴨子都是那樣。

Today's words are fun!
learn 學習
copy 模仿,複製
sound 聲音
duck 鴨子


  1. What kind of animal is mentioned in this story?
    a. Ducks
    b. Dogs
    c. Deer

  2. Where is this animal from?
    a. Taiwan
    b. Australia
    c. The U.S.

  3. What is the name of this animal?
    a. Musk duck
    b. Devil dog
    c. Deranged deer


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A