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Fish with 555 Teeth

Fish with 555 Teeth

News For Kids

2021/12/22 | 00:05:40 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Did you know, we have two sets of teeth over our lives? We sometimes call the first teeth: 'baby teeth.'

Kids have 20 baby teeth.

As you grow up, you lose your baby teeth and get new 'adult' teeth.

Do you have all your adult teeth yet? Adults have 32 teeth… well, most of the time. Some animals have many teeth, some have a few, and some have none.

But I know about a fish that has 555 teeth!

Yeah! Really! 555!

This fish is about 50 centimeters long, and it lives in the North Pacific Ocean.

It can catch and eat lots of other big fish. Scientists wanted to learn more about this fish… so they caught some and looked inside their scary mouths… and found 555 teeth!

But that's not all! Scientists found that the fish is always growing new teeth!

Every day, the fish loses 20 teeth and starts to grow new teeth. And… they can grow new teeth in just about one day!

The scientists were quite surprised… one day is really fast!

It takes us years to grow all our adult teeth!

But this fish is losing and growing teeth every day! Cool, yeah?


  1. Teeth 牙齒。
    Doctors say teeth help us smile and speak. 醫生說牙齒幫助我們微笑和講話。
    Really? I thought they only help me chew food. 真的喔?我以為牙齒只幫我咀嚼食物。

  2. Hundred 百。
    This strange fish has hundreds of teeth! 這種奇怪的魚有數百顆牙齒!
    Hundreds of teeth? 數百顆嗎?
    It must have a big mouth! 它一定有很大的嘴巴!

  3. Adult 成年的。
    Most people have 32 adult teeth. 大部分人有32顆恆齒。
    When do children's adult teeth come in? 兒童什麼時候長恆齒?
    Around 6 or 7. 大約六,七歲的時候。

  4. Lose 失去。
    Kevin is losing his baby teeth! 凱文在掉乳齒!
    My mom is beginning to lose her adult teeth. 我老媽開始掉恆齒了。

When did you lose all your baby teeth? 一起來讀單字。
teeth 牙齒
hundred 百
adult 成年的
lose 失去


  1. How many teeth does the fish in the story have?
    A: 5,555
    B: 2
    C: 555

  2. What is special about these fish teeth?
    A: About 20 fall out every day
    B: The teeth are blue and yellow
    C: The tooth fairy really likes these teeth

  3. About how many teeth do kids and adults have?
    A: Kids have 9 and adults have 50
    B: Kids have 20 and adults have 32
    C: Kids have 234 and adults have 555


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B