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Dog Surfing Champion of the World

Dog Surfing Champion of the World

News For Kids

2022/10/13 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Surf's up! I love surfing in the ocean.

But what's that? A surfing dog?

That's right! Dogs can surf too. They just stand on the surfboard and ride the waves.

At first, a person surfs together with them. The person can teach them how to surf. After the dog learns, it can surf by itself.

Every summer, the best surfing dogs in the world come together. They go to the World Dog Surfing Championship in California. At this contest, everybody can see which dogs are best at riding the waves.

This year, the best dog was a 10-year-old dog named Faith.

Her owner said that when she was a little puppy, she was scared of many things.
今年的冠軍狗狗是十歲的 Faith,她的主人說,這隻狗狗小時候很膽小。

But then she learned how to surf. Now, she is the dog surfing champion of the world.

No matter who wins, everybody has fun. These dogs can teach us an important lesson. With lots of help, and lots of practice, anybody can learn something new.


  1. learn 學習
    Would you like to learn how to surf? 你想學衝浪嗎?
    I think I should learn how to swim first. 我想我應該先學游泳。
    I can teach you that too. 那我也可以教你。

  2. teach 教學
    Are you sure you want to teach me? 你確定要教我嗎?
    Of course, surfing is a lot of fun! 當然啦,衝浪很好玩的!
    Okay. When can we begin? 好啊,什麼時候開始?

  3. fun 好玩
    Let's have some fun in the swimming pool tomorrow. 明天我們先在游泳池裡面玩。
    Then we can move to the beach. 然後我們可以去海灘。

  4. champion 冠軍
    Hurray, I'll be a champion in surfing! 真棒,我會成為衝浪冠軍。
    Not so fast! 別這麼快!
    You must learn how to swim first, remember? 你得先學會游泳,記得嗎?

learn 學習
teach 教導
fun 好玩
champion 冠軍


  1. How do dogs learn to surf?
    A: Other dogs teach them
    B: They go to surfing school
    C: People surf together with them

  2. Where is the World Dog Surfing Championship?
    A: California
    B: Australia
    C: Hawaii

  3. This year, which dog was the best surfer?
    A: A 5-year-old dog named Kiss
    B: A 7-year-old dog named Momo
    C: A 10-year-old dog named Faith


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C