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Girl Has a Bee for a Pet

Girl Has a Bee for a Pet

News For Kids

2021/09/30 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Many people have pets. Some people have dogs… Others have cats… Some people even have snakes…

There is a girl in England with a really strange pet. It's a bee… It's true! 英國有個女孩的寵物是蜜蜂!

In August, a girl named Lacey found a big bee on the road. It had a broken wing. Lacey picked it up and tried to help it. She put the bee in a safe place. She put it on some flowers in a park. Lacey 發現的這隻蜜蜂一邊的翅膀斷裂,她小心地把蜜蜂撿起來放在花上面。

But the bee crawled back on Lacey and wouldn't leave her. So Lacey decided to take the bee home and keep it as a pet. She gave the insect a name, too: Betty. 結果蜜蜂爬回她身上,於是Lacey 決定把蜜蜂帶回家,把牠取名為Betty.

Betty the bee is really like a pet. She goes with Lacy to many places. Betty likes to climb in Lacey's hair. They share snacks together. Lacey even took Betty bowling. Betty 真的很像個寵物,牠跟著主人到處跑,還一起吃點心,打保齡球。

At night, Betty stays in a jar next to Lacey's bed.

Most people are afraid of bees. But Betty sounds like a nice bee. Probably the nicest bee in the world! 很多人害怕蜜蜂,但是像Betty這樣的蜜蜂很討人喜歡吧?



  1. Pet 寵物。
    Do you have a pet, Jane? 你養寵物嗎?
    I have a fish tank with several fish in it. 我有個金魚缸,裡面有幾條魚。
    Cool! Fish are very nice pets. 真酷! 魚是很好的寵物。
    That's right. They are quiet. 沒錯,牠們很安靜。

  2. Share 分享。
    Let's share this pizza. 我們來分這個披薩。
    Looks delicious! 看起來很好吃。
    I'll also share my fries with you. 我也跟你分薯條。
    Thank you! 謝謝!

  3. Afraid of 害怕。
    Are you afraid of bees? 你怕蜜蜂嗎?
    Well, I don't like them, but I'm not afraid of them. 我不喜歡牠們,但是我不會怕。

  4. Sleep 睡覺。
    Young people should sleep 8 to 9 hours a day. 年輕人ㄧ天應該睡八到九個小時。
    I only sleep 5 hours a day. 我每天只睡五個小時。

pet 寵物
share 分享
afraid of 害怕
sleep 睡覺


Q1: Where did Lacey find the bee?
A: In a park
B: On some flowers
C: On the road
Q2: What does the bee like to do?
A: Fly into Lacey's shoe
B: Jump on Lacey's hand
C: Climb in Lacey's hair
Q3: Where does the bee stay at night?
A: In a jar near Lacey
B: In Lacey's bed
C: In Lacey's garden

  1. C
  2. C
  3. A