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Solar-Powered Computer Cockroaches

Solar-Powered Computer Cockroaches

News For Kids

2022/10/18 | 00:05:37 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


What's that? A cockroach?! Ahhh!

I don't like cockroaches, how about you? You don't like them either, right?

You know, some animals can help people. Dogs can help find lost people or help the police catch bad guys.

Now scientists have found a way for cockroaches to help people too! Thanks to a super tiny computer.

This little computer is like a mini backpack. It controls the cockroach's legs. They also put a tiny solar panel on the cockroach's back to power the computer!

Cockroaches are very good at getting into small places, and if scientists can control them, they can use them to go into super small spaces.

Soon, scientists might put a mini camera on the cockroach too. Then they could send the cockroaches to small spaces, and with the camera, they could see things in places humans can't reach.

Maybe these special cockroaches could help see inside a building after an earthquake or go into a place that's too dangerous for people.

Hmmm… maybe one day we will think of cockroaches as helpful little heroes!


  1. control 控制
    Look, this little thing can control my beetle! 你看,這個小東西可以控制我的金龜子。
    Wow, how did it do that? 哇,它是怎麼做到的?
    Easy, by making sounds. 很簡單,它會發出聲音。

  2. power 供應電力
    How do you power this little thing? 你怎麼供電給這個小東西?
    It has a tiny battery. 它有個小電池。

  3. camera 相機
    But what do you have your beetle do? 但是你要金龜子做什麼呢?
    I want it to carry a camera. 我要牠帶個相機。
    To take photos of its home? 給牠的家照相哦?

  4. small 小的
    Maybe. Isn't that fun? 也許吧,那不是很好玩嗎?
    Yeah, it can go into very small places… 牠可以進入非常小的地方…
    Where we can't go. 我們不能去的地方。

control 控制
power 供應電力
camera 相機
small 小的


  1. What did the scientists do?
    A: They put a tiny computer on a cockroach
    B: They saw a cockroach and ran away
    C: They put a cockroach on a dog

  2. What does the little computer look like?
    A: A fish
    B: A sandwich
    C: A backpack

  3. How could this special cockroach help people?
    A: It could go places humans can't go
    B: It could sing and dance
    C: It could be a good pet


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A