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It's Raining Fish and Frogs

It's Raining Fish and Frogs

News For Kids

2022/02/21 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Woah! That rain is really heavy!

Some people might even say "it's raining cats and dogs''! But that's just a funny expression. It just means heavy rain.

But there actually is a very strange and rare weather event called animal rain! Yep. And it happened not long ago in the state of Texas in the USA.

On what seemed like just a normal rainy day, people suddenly noticed fish and frogs falling to the ground!

How does this happen?

Sometimes a swirling wind, like a tornado, happens over water. This is called a waterspout.

Sometimes small animals like fish and frogs get pulled into the waterspout and carried away from the water. They then come back down to the ground with the rain.

That's how it rains fish and frogs!

That's so weird, right? There have even been reports of other animals coming down with rain. Birds, crabs, and even snakes and spiders!

Woaaaah! That sounds like a nightmare! And probably another reason to always bring an umbrella!


1) Rain 下雨。
Are you going out? 你要出門嗎?
It's raining hard outside! 外面在下大雨。
That's okay. I have a raincoat. 沒關係,我有雨衣。

2) Umbrella 雨傘。
You'll still need an umbrella. 你還是需要一把傘。
Here, take mine. 來吧,你拿我的。
But I don't like carrying an umbrella around. 可是我不喜歡拿著雨傘到處走。

3) Tornado 龍捲風。
Tornadoes are scary! 龍捲風很可怕!
Indeed. Tornadoes can pick up a person and throw them down. 龍捲風可以把人捲起來再扔下來。

4) Happen 發生。
What's happening? 發生了什麼事?
Why are you running downstairs? 為什麼你們往樓下跑?
A tornado is coming! 龍捲風要來了!

Let's read the words.
rain 下雨
umbrella 傘
tornado 龍捲風
happen 發生


  1. What kind of weird weather is the story about?
    A: Cake rain
    B: Animal rain
    C: Dry rain

  2. Where did this kind of weather recently happen?
    A: Texas
    B: Paris
    C: Singapore

  3. What came down with the rain?
    A: Fish and frogs
    B: Cats and frogs
    C: Bears and pigs

  4. B
  5. A
  6. A