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Nanliao Uses Fishing Floats as Decorations

Nanliao Uses Fishing Floats as Decorations

News For Kids

2023/03/25 | 00:05:05 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hm… think… think… think! I'm trying to think of some ways I can do something positive for the planet.

After all, Earth Hour is tonight. Do you know about Earth Hour?

Every year, many people around the world celebrate Earth Hour. Today, Earth Hour will happen from eight-thirty to nine-thirty p.m. A lot of people turn off their lights during this time. This saves electricity.

But we don't have to wait for Earth Hour to do nice things for the planet. There are a lot of other ways we can help the environment.

For example, there is a town in Penghu called Nanliao. There has always been a lot of fishing in Nanliao. But there is a problem. A lot of fishing means a lot of old fishing equipment turns into garbage.

The people of Nanliao had a creative idea. They reuse old fishing floats as decorations for the town.

They turned the floats into lanterns. They also cut the floats up to make other beautiful decorations. These are fun ways to reuse old things in new ways. The decorations look very nice. Now more people visit Nanliao.

What a fun idea! What are some ways you can help your community and the planet? Earth Hour tonight is a great time to think about ideas!


  1. tonight 今晚
    Let's meet at 9 tonight. 我們今晚九點見。
    We can't. 沒辦法。
    What do you mean we can't? 沒辦法是什麼意思?
    It'll be dark everywhere. 到處都會是黑黑的。
    What? 什麼?

  2. turn off 關掉
    Haven't you heard? 你沒聽說嗎?
    Many stores are turning off the lights for an hour. 很多商店都會關燈一個鐘頭。
    Oh, that's annoying! 有點煩呢!

  3. planet 地球
    What's the point? 有什麼意義?
    The planet won't get better. 地球又不會變好。
    It's for saving electricity. 是為了省電。

  4. electricity 電力
    Electricity should be used. 電就是要用的。
    Or how about we meet tomorrow morning? 那我們明天早上碰面如何?
    Alright. 好啦。

tonight 今晚
turn off 關掉
planet 地球;行星
electricity 電力


  1. When is Earth Hour today?
    A: 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
    B: 8:30 - 9:30 p.m.
    C: It doesn't happen today

  2. How long does Earth Hour last?
    A: 1 hour
    B: 1 day
    C: 1 minute

  3. What does the Nanliao Community reuse as decorations?
    A: Fishing poles
    B: Fishing floats
    C: Fishing bait


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B