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How to Have a Safe Guy Fawkes Night

How to Have a Safe Guy Fawkes Night

News For Kids

2022/11/04 | 00:05:14 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Tomorrow is Guy Fawkes Night, it's a great holiday in the U.K. They have big fires and everyone sings and dances! Then, they watch awesome fireworks! It even has its own rhyme…

"Remember, remember, The fifth of November."

It all started long ago, when England had a king. Some people, who did not like the king, made a plot to kill him! A plot is a very bad plan.

Back then if you tried to kill a king they could chop off your head!

Some very bad people asked a man called Guy Fawkes to kill the king for them… They wanted to blow him up! But the police stopped him, and everyone was safe.
一些壞人請 Guy Fawkes 幫他們去炸掉國王!但是警察及時阻止他,救了大家。

Now, every year in the UK, they celebrate because no-one was hurt. And they call this holiday Guy Fawkes Night.
因為沒有人受傷,所以現在每年都會慶祝,叫做Guy Fawkes之夜。

This year the UK has some new safety rules: Everyone has to use wood for their fires, not trash: trash makes dirty smoke. And, they have to check for animals before lighting any fires.

It's a great holiday. It teaches us about the past, and safety, and it's really fun! Stay safe this Guy Fawkes night everyone!


  1. holiday 節日
    What's your favorite holiday, Jane? 你最喜歡的節日是什麼?
    Double Ten Day, for sure. 肯定是雙十節。

  2. fireworks 煙火
    Let me guess, because of the fireworks show? 讓我猜猜,是因為煙火秀嗎?
    You're right! 你說對了!
    I love fireworks. 我喜歡看煙火。
    It's in a different city every year, and I've been there every time. 它每年在不同的城市,而我每一次都到場。

  3. night 夜晚
    Fireworks in the night sky are indeed magical. 夜空中的煙火確實有魔力。
    Exactly. You would forget it's night time. 完全正確。你根本忘記那是晚上。

  4. U.K. 英國
    Have you ever been to the U.K.? 你有去過英國嗎?
    Yes, I've been to London and Oxford. 有,我去過倫敦和牛津。

holiday 假日
fireworks 煙火
night 夜晚
U.K. 英國


  1. What is a 'plot'?
    A: A very big fire
    B: A very bad plan
    C: A long time ago

  2. What do people do on Guy Fawkes night?
    A: Light fires and fireworks
    B: Wear scary clothes
    C: Plant a big tree

  3. What should people use to make fire?
    A: Books
    B: Trash
    C: Wood


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C