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Bus Stops For Bees and Butterflies

Bus Stops For Bees and Butterflies

News For Kids

2022/10/20 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students! You guys know that bees are important, right?

They help plants grow. Butterflies also help plants grow. If we didn't have bees and butterflies, we wouldn't grow as much food. The world would be in big trouble then.

But there are fewer bees and butterflies now. One reason is that cities are growing.

When cities get bigger, there are fewer places for bees and butterflies to visit flowers and other plants safely.

Now, people are helping these insects by building special bus shelters. They have little gardens on top of them.

The Netherlands was the first place to have these special bus stops. England also has them. England wants to have more than 1,000 of them soon. There are some in France and Belgium also.

These bus shelters need to be stronger than regular bus shelters because the dirt and water on top of them is heavy.

This is a great idea! Taiwan should build bus stops for bees and butterflies to visit. Or, maybe I should call them BUZZ-shelters.


  1. butterfly 蝴蝶
    What a beautiful butterfly! 好漂亮的蝴蝶!
    Yeah, and it's a big one. 對啊,而且好大一隻。
    It's so nice to have butterflies waiting with me! 有蝴蝶跟我一起等車真棒!

  2. grow 種植
    People should grow more flowers everywhere. 大家應該到處多種一點花。
    Right, the city would look so much better. 對啊,城市會好看很多。

  3. plant 植物
    What plant should I grow indoors? 我在室內應該種什麼植物?
    I've heard that devil's vine is the best. 我聽說黃金葛最好了。
    It's very eco-friendly. 它對環境很友善。

  4. the Netherlands 荷蘭
    People in the Netherlands built special bus stops for bees. 荷蘭人建了特別的公車站給蜜蜂。
    So the bees there take buses? 所以那裏的蜜蜂會搭公車 ?
    No, they fly. 不會,牠們用飛的。

butterfly 蝴蝶
grow 種植
plant 植物
the Netherlands 荷蘭


  1. Why did people build the bus shelters?
    A:So people could see more bees and butterflies
    B: So bees and butterflies wouldn't bother people
    C: So bees and butterflies could visit more places

  2. Why are there fewer bees and butterflies?
    A: They have moved away from cities
    B: They can't visit as many places
    C: They are getting killed by buses

  3. Which place first made the special bus shelters?
    A: England
    B: France
    C: The Netherlands


  1. C
  2. B
  3. C