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12-Year-Old Makes $400,000 USD Online

12-Year-Old Makes $400,000 USD Online

News For Kids

2021/10/13 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I once drew a picture that a friend thought was very good. So my friend bought it for one-thousand NT dollars! 我的朋友花了一千塊台幣買了我畫的畫。 I was very happy because that's a lot of money!

But one boy in England made much, much more from pictures he made.

A 12-year-old boy named Benyamin sold his art, and made four-hundred thousand U.S. dollars! That is over 10 million NT dollars! 一個12歲的男孩把他的藝術作品賣了40萬美金,那是一千多萬台幣! That is a very, very large amount of money!

Benyamin made over three-thousand different pictures of whales on the computer, 他是用電腦創作超過三千張鯨魚的圖案,and then he sold them through a special system on the internet. This system lets people make money online. 他是用特殊的網路系統來買賣圖案。

In this system, people can buy and sell things online with a special kind of money. This special money only works through the internet!

Benyamin has always been very interested in computers and the internet. 這個男孩 一直都對電腦跟網路的東西很有興趣。

That is how he learned about people selling things using special online money.

I'm going to start paying more attention to computers. Maybe I can sell things on the internet to make more money, too!

Have you ever sold anything? 你有賣過東西嗎?



  1. Make money 賺錢。
    It's not easy to make money. 賺錢很不容易。
    I knew that long ago. 我很久以前就知道了。
    I also know that spending money is easy. 我還知道花錢很容易。

  2. Sell 賣。
    Maybe I should try to sell something. 也許我應該試試看賣東西。
    Like what? 賣什麼呢?
    Like my facemask designs. 比如說我的口罩設計。

  3. Picture 圖畫。
    So you'll draw pictures of the masks. 所以你會畫出口罩的圖樣。
    Yes, and the masks will have mouths or eyes on them. 對,而且口罩上是嘴巴或是眼睛。

  4. Attention 注意。
    A facemask with a picture of a mouth? 口罩上面有嘴巴的圖案嗎?
    That will get people's attention. 那會引人注意的。
    That's the idea. 就是要那樣。

So do you plan to make some money?
make money 賺錢
sell 賣
picture 圖畫
attention 注意


  1. Benyamin made pictures of what animal?
    a. Whales
    b. Dolphins
    c. Turtles

  2. Where did Benyamin sell his artwork?
    a. Through the internet
    b. At an art store
    c. At school

  3. What has Benyamin always been interested in?
    a. Whales
    b. Computers and the internet
    c. Art


  1. A
  2. A
  3. B