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Diver Nearly Swallowed by Whale

Diver Nearly Swallowed by Whale

News For Kids

2021/10/22 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you know what animal makes that sound? That's a whale call! 那個聲音就是鯨魚。

Whales are the world's biggest animals. But it's funny, many of the biggest whales only eat tiny things.

Some whales rush forward with their huge mouths wide open, so lots of water, and any food in the water, rushes in!

It's pretty cool. But one man found out you shouldn't get too close to a whale that's eating.有人發現鯨魚在吃東西的時候不要太靠近。

The man is a lobster diver. One day, when he was catching lobsters, he suddenly felt a big bump and everything went dark. 有一天他下海抓龍蝦時,周圍突然一片黑暗。

At first he thought he had been eaten by a shark! He felt around, but there were no teeth! That's when he realized he was in a whale's mouth! 他以為自己被鯊魚吃掉了!但是他摸索了半天發現沒有牙齒. 原來他在鯨魚的嘴裡!

After about 30 seconds the whale decided it didn't want to eat the diver.

So the whale shook its head and spat the diver back into the sea. 大概30秒之後,鯨魚覺得這個人不好吃.,就把他吐回海裡!

The lucky diver escaped with just a few bumps and bruises! And the whale escaped with just a bad taste in its mouth!



  1. Whale 鯨魚。
    Why do whales have big mouths? 鯨魚為什麼有大嘴巴?
    Maybe because they need to eat a lot of food? 也許是因為牠們需要吃很多食物?

  2. Mouth 嘴巴。
    Please don't talk when you have food in your mouth. 嘴裡有食物時請不要講話。
    But there's nothing in my mouth.可是我嘴裡沒東西。

  3. Eat 吃。
    Would you like to eat here? 想在這裡吃東西嗎?
    Okay. I know they have good hamburgers here. 好,我知道這裡有好吃的漢堡。

  4. Catch 抓。
    How many lobsters did you catch? 你抓到幾隻龍蝦?
    Only three. 只有三隻。
    Today is not a good day. 今天收穫不多。

whale 鯨魚
mouth 嘴巴
eat 吃
catch 抓


  1. What almost swallowed a man?
    a. A shark
    b. A whale
    c. An octopus

  2. Who was almost swallowed?
    a. A diver
    b. A sailor
    c. A teacher

  3. What was the person doing when they were almost swallowed?
    a. Catching lobsters
    b. Swimming
    c. Rowing a boat

1: B
2: A
3: A