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Mexico's First Cross-County Hiking Trail

Mexico's First Cross-County Hiking Trail

News For Kids

2022/11/17 | 00:05:03 | SoundOn #education

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I love walking in the fresh open air. One day I want to go hiking in Mexico! Last month, Mexico opened their first cross-county hiking trail.

The trail has many things to see. It starts in Merida. That's a hot city. The walk goes on for more than one hundred kilometers!

The trail then goes into the jungle. The forest there is wet, and there are huge plants all around. They have some beautiful birds. I've heard they have toucan birds! Their faces are red, yellow, and green. So colorful!

The trail goes past many small towns, where local people live. These people are called the Mayan people.

They welcome the new trail, because it brings tourists like me! Not just hikers, but cyclists too!

They also have restaurants to serve their traditional food. Mmmm! I bet it tastes good!

Mexico's new hiking trail takes five days to finish, so I'll need to train hard!

That's a long hike!


  1. hike 走步道,健行
    Let's go hiking this weekend. 我們這周末去走步道吧。
    Hiking? Where do you have in mind? 走步道?你想去哪裡?
    Yangmingshan. There's a great hiking trail along the Bailaka Road. 陽明山。巴拉卡公路旁邊有一條很棒的步道。

  2. fresh 新鮮的
    But I'm really tired this week. 但是我這星期真的好累。
    Well, think about the fresh air, flowers, trees and birds… 想想看,新鮮空氣,花草樹木和鳥兒…

  3. pass 經過
    Will we pass good restaurants? 我們會經過好的餐館嗎?
    No, but we will pass many when we come down from Yangmingshan. 不會,不過下山時會經過很多。

  4. tourist 遊客
    We're such tourists! 我們真是遊客心態!
    Sure, we want to have a good time. 當然,我們想要玩得開心。

hike 走步道,健行
fresh 新鮮的
pass 經過
tourist 遊客


  1. What animals can you see in the jungle?
    A: Black bears
    B: Toucan birds
    C: African elephants

  2. What people live along the trail?
    A: French people
    B: Korean people
    C: Mayan people

  3. How many days does the trail take to finish?
    A: One day
    B: Three days
    C: Five days


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C