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Bringing Back the Tasmanian Tiger

Bringing Back the Tasmanian Tiger

News For Kids

2022/09/08 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students, have you ever seen a dinosaur? Probably not.

Because dinosaurs are extinct. "Extinct" means they are all gone or all dead. Lots of animals are extinct.

Have you ever seen a Tasmanian tiger?

No, right? That's because they are all extinct.

Tasmanian tigers used to live in Australia. They are not really tigers; people called them "tigers" because they had stripes on their backs.

They kind of looked like wild dogs, but they carried their babies in a pouch, like a kangaroo!

The last Tasmanian tiger died in a zoo about 100 years ago.

But now, scientists say they might be able to bring the Tasmanian tiger back!

It's not going to be easy, but scientists think they might have found a way!

If it works, maybe the scientists can make a baby Tasmanian tiger!

Scientists say that after 10 years, there may be lots of these new animals and they could put them back into the wild in Australia!

Hmmm… maybe we should try to bring dinosaurs back to life, too?

Yeah… that might not be such a good idea…


  1. extinct 絕種的
    Think about it! 想想看! Bringing back an extinct animal! 把絕種的動物弄回來!
    Yeah? Which animal do you like to see? 是嗎?你想看哪一種動物?
    Those big elephants, for sure. 當然是那些好大的大象。

  2. die 死亡
    They died 4,000 years ago. 牠們死了四千多年了。
    I know. That's why I'd like to see them. 我知道,這是為什麼我想看。

  3. bring back 帶回來
    You can see them in movies. 你可以在電影裡看到。
    Movies can bring back many things. 電影可以找回來很多東西。
    You're right. 你說對了。

  4. maybe 也許
    But maybe scientists should try other animals. 但是科學家也許應該試試別的動物。
    Maybe they should try smaller ones. 也許他們應該試試比較小的動物。

extinct 絕種的
die 死亡
bring back 帶回來
maybe 也許


  1. What was different about the Tasmanian tiger?
    A: It carried babies in a pouch, like a kangaroo
    B: It only ate vegetables
    C: It looked like a giraffe

  2. What does "extinct" mean?
    A: All gone or dead
    B: We have too many of them
    C: hungry and tired

  3. When did the Tasmanian tiger become extinct?
    A: About 100 years ago
    B: Yesterday
    C: 40,000 years ago


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A