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The Blind Girl Who Makes Cartoons

The Blind Girl Who Makes Cartoons

News For Kids

2022/05/16 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hey there! Have you ever wondered how to make a cartoon?

First, you need an idea for a story…

Next you need to draw your cartoon, which takes a loooong time!

And then you need to add some sounds, like this…

And then you need some music, like this…

And THEN you need to make the whole thing move!

Wow! That is a lot of work!

Now, imagine doing all of that without being able to see anything!

Well, there's a girl in Northern Ireland who can do that!

11 year-old Elodie has been blind ever since she was born, but that doesn't stop her from making great cartoons!

Elodie loves computers.

She has a special computer that speaks to her while she draws.

It tells her what she is drawing, so she knows what her pictures look like without having to see them.

Her first cartoon was of a ball bouncing up and down.

Since then she has made lots of cartoons!

What an amazing girl! I want to make a cartoon now, just like Elodie! I hope you make one too!


  1. draw 畫圖
    Do you enjoy drawing? 你喜歡畫畫嗎?
    Not really. I'm not good at drawing. 不算喜歡,我畫得不好。
    Me either, but I like doing it. 我也是,不過我喜歡畫。

  2. move 移動
    It's very hard to draw moving things. 移動的東西很難畫。
    You mean like people dancing? 你是說像跳舞的人嗎?
    Yeah, I don't know how to draw them. 對,我不知道怎麼畫。

  3. music 音樂
    I've heard this music before. 我聽過這個音樂。
    Of course you have. 你當然聽過。
    It's the music from the 007 movies. 這是007電影音樂。

  4. sound 聲音
    What's that strange sound? 那是什麼奇怪聲音?
    What sound? I didn't hear anything. 什麼聲音?我都沒聽到。

Do you know how cartoons are made? 我們來讀單字。
draw 畫畫
move 移動
music 音樂
sound 聲音


  1. What is the first thing you need when making a cartoon?
    A: A hot dog
    B: Lots of money
    C: An idea for a story

  2. Why does Elodie find it hard to make cartoons?
    A: She is very busy
    B: She is scared of pencils
    C: She is blind

  3. What was Elodie's first cartoon about?
    A: A cat chasing a mouse
    B: A ball bouncing up and down
    C: A fat dinosaur called Lawrence wearing yellow boots and a pink hat who loves eating blueberry ice-cream


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B