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New Dinosaur Species Discovered

New Dinosaur Species Discovered

News For Kids

2021/11/11 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

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Woah! Look what I found! What an interesting seashell!

I like digging in the sand and dirt, because you can find interesting things buried in the ground.

And sometimes the things you find can be old and special.

For example, some researchers in England recently found something very interesting in the ground… dinosaur bones!

These bones are extra special because they are from dinosaurs that experts have never seen before.

They found bones that belonged to two new kinds of dinosaur.

One of the dinosaurs had a face like a crocodile. It also had horns and bumps around its forehead.

The other dinosaur also had a very long face, and it had many teeth.

And both were very large… about 9 meters long.

That is about the size of a bus!

It took the experts a few years to dig up all of these bones.

If you want to see these bones, you can! You just need to go to England to the Dinosaur Isle Museum. The Dinosaur Isle Museum has around 30 thousand things people found digging in the ground.

What do you think? Do you want to go and see the dinosaur bones?


  1. Kind 種類。
    I wonder how many new kinds of dinosaurs there are. 我想知道還有幾種新種類的恐龍。
    I hope to see a new kind of T-rex. 我希望看到新種的暴龍。

  2. Dig 挖。
    Maybe scientists will dig one up someday. 也許有一天科學家會把它挖出來。
    They need to dig in the right place. 他們需要在對的地方挖。

  3. Belong to 屬於。
    Do these bags belong to you? 這些包包是你的嗎?
    Yes, this red one belongs to me. 對,這個紅色包包屬於我。
    But the blue one belongs to my sister. 但是藍色包包是我妹妹的。

  4. Bone 骨頭。
    Kevin has broken three bones. 凱文斷了三根骨頭。
    Ouch! I've broken a bone before. It hurts! 我也斷過骨頭。很痛的!

Please repeat after me.
kind 種類
dig 挖
belong to 屬於
bone 骨頭


  1. What did experts find buried in the ground?
    a. Seashells
    b. Rocks
    c. Dinosaur bones

  2. Where were these bones found?
    a. Taiwan
    b. Australia
    c. England

  3. About how big were the animals mentioned in this story?
    a. The size of a house
    b. The size of a bus
    c. The size of a bicycle


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B