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Owl Rescued by Fishing Crew

Owl Rescued by Fishing Crew

News For Kids

2023/01/11 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Ohhh… I hear an owl.

Shhh… let's listen…

Owls live in the forest, right?

But did you know they can fly super far? Sometimes owls fly very far away from their home in the forest.

But, one owl in Scotland flew too far!

This owl flew far, far out over the sea. The poor owl was being attacked by seagulls, so it landed on a fishing boat.

The people on the fishing boat saw the owl and helped it. They took it inside the boat, gave it some meat, and found a warm place for it to rest.

The owl quickly became friendly. It sat on the fishermen's arms and almost looked like a pet!

The fishing boat finally took the owl back to Scotland, and now it is back flying and hunting in the forest.

Owls fly far sometimes, but maybe this owl got caught in some strong wind and couldn't fly home.

Wow. This owl was pretty lucky! It got away from the seagulls and found a boat. Now it's back in the forest in Scotland!


  1. fish 釣魚
    I'm going fishing with Tom tomorrow night. 我明天晚上跟湯姆去釣魚。
    Fishing at night? 晚上釣魚?
    Yeah, Tom will take his boat out, and we'll hunt for squid. 對,湯姆會把船開出去,我們要去抓小管。

  2. boat 船
    So you'll be on his boat? 所以你要搭他的船?
    Right. Why do you sound so alarmed? 對,為什麼你聽起來那麼緊張?
    Didn't you know that he has a boat? 你不知道他有船?

  3. fisherman 漁夫
    No. And I didn't know you're a fisherman. 不知道。而且我也不知道你是漁夫。
    I'm not. 我不是。
    And you'll be far away from land. 而且你會距離陸地很遠。

  4. far away 很遠
    Not that far away. Only around Badouzi. 沒有那麼遠,就在八斗子附近。

fish 釣魚
boat 船
fisherman 漁夫
far away 很遠


  1. Where does this owl live?
    A: In Tainan
    B: In South Africa
    C: In Scotland

  2. What happened to the owl in this story?
    A: It flew too far
    B: It ate too much
    C: It slept too long

  3. Who saved the owl?
    A: Some seagulls
    B: A dolphin
    C: Some fishermen


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C