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Kaohsiung's New Music Center

Kaohsiung's New Music Center

News For Kids

2021/11/30 | 00:05:28 | SoundOn #education

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There's a new music center in Kaohsiung City! The building is really cool… it looks like it was made by aliens!

There is one big indoor place for concerts and one big outdoor place for concerts.

5,000 people can fit inside… and 8,000 people can fit outside.

The new Kaohsiung Music Center is near the port and the Love River. At nighttime, beautiful colorful lights shine on the building. It makes the area look cool.

The Kaohsiung Music Center is for concerts, that means maybe a rock music show, or maybe pop music, or any kind of music! Maybe some famous DJ will have a show there!

The new music center is very exciting for people in Kaohsiung. It is going to be a really cool place for all kinds of music shows in the city!


  1. Music 音樂。
    What kind of music do you like? 你喜歡哪種音樂?
    I prefer jazz. It's my favorite kind of music. 我比較喜歡爵士。它是我最愛的音樂種類。

  2. Indoor 室內, outdoor 室外。
    I enjoy jazz more when I'm in an outdoor space. 我在戶外空間時更能欣賞爵士。
    Me too. 我也是。
    But sometimes an indoor place, like a restaurant, is also fine. 不過有時候室內的地方,比如說餐廳也不錯。

  3. Show 表演。
    There's a jazz show tomorrow night. 明天晚上有爵士表演。
    Where? 在哪裡?
    At the new music center. 在新的音樂中心。

  4. Building 建築物。
    You mean that big building by the Love River? 你是說愛河旁邊的那座大建築嗎?
    Yes, the show will be there. 對,表演就在那裏。

music 音樂
indoor 室內
outdoor 室外
show 表演
building 建築物


  1. Where is the new music center?
    A: In Korea
    B: In Kaohsiung
    C: In Cambodia

  2. What kind of music shows will people be able to hear?
    A: Rock concerts, pop concerts, and DJ shows
    B: Dolphin and whale singing
    C: Alien music

  3. How many people can fit in the music center?
    A: 5,000 inside and 8,000 outside
    B: 40 inside and 6 outside
    C: 100 inside and 100,000 outside

1: B
2: A
3: A