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The Asian Giant Hornet

The Asian Giant Hornet

News For Kids

2021/10/15 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


What's that sound? Sounds like an insect… like a fly, maybe? 蒼蠅? Or a mosquito, 蚊子? Or a… hornet!! 大黃蜂!!

Argh! I hate hornets. They scare me. I have been stung by a hornet. 我被大黃蜂叮過。It really hurt! I don't want to experience that ever again!

Do you know what the scariest kind of hornet is? 你知道最可怕的黃蜂是哪一種嗎? The Asian giant hornet. 那就是大虎頭蜂。

The Asian giant hornet is the largest kind of hornet in the entire world. 大虎頭蜂是全世界最大的黃蜂。

An Asian giant hornet nest was recently found in the U.S., and people quickly got rid of it. "Got rid of" 的意思就是把它除掉。 People were scared the hornets would hurt the local insects, like bees.

And bees are very important! 蜜蜂很重要! They help make more flowers, and of course, they make delicious honey!

Asian giant hornets can kill bees! 大虎頭蜂會殺死蜜蜂!

They kill other kinds of hornets too! 其他種類的黃蜂也不放過!

It is also very painful when an Asian giant hornet stings you. Thankfully, Asian giant hornets don't usually attack people. 還好大虎頭蜂不常攻擊人類。

Of all the insects, I am most afraid of hornets. What kind of insect are you afraid of?



  1. Scare 害怕。
    Are you scared of hornets? 你怕不怕黃蜂?
    Of course. But I'm most scared of spiders. 當然怕,不過我最怕蜘蛛。

  2. Scary 讓人害怕的。
    Spiders are not that scary. 蜘蛛沒那麼可怕。
    They don't attack people. 牠們不會攻擊人。
    You're wrong. They are very scary. 你錯了,牠們非常可怕。

  3. Attack 攻擊。
    Have you ever been attacked by spiders? 你曾經被蜘蛛攻擊過嗎?
    No, not really. 並沒有。
    But they're so ugly! 但是牠們長得好醜!

  4. Honey 蜂蜜。
    Would you like some honey cake? 想要來一點蜂蜜蛋糕嗎?
    Oh yes, I love honey cake. 要,我喜歡蜂蜜蛋糕。
    It's just delicious, isn't it? 很好吃,不是嗎?

Let's read these useful words.
scare 害怕
scary 讓人害怕的
honey 蜂蜜
attack 攻擊


  1. What kind of insect is this story about?
    a. Bees
    b. Hornets
    c. Mosquitoes

  2. What does the Asian giant hornet do?
    a. Bite
    b. Sting
    c. Punch

  3. What do these hornets do to other insects?
    a. They make friends with them
    b. They kill them
    c. They ignore them


  1. B
  2. B
  3. B