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Scientists Take Pictures of Cow Burps

Scientists Take Pictures of Cow Burps

News For Kids

2022/06/13 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I have a funny question for you: Have you ever heard a cow burp?

Yes, cows burp. They burp a lot! A cow burp probably sounds like this…

Oh, wait. That's a moo. Here's a burp…

Maybe you've heard a cow burp. But have you ever seen a picture of a burp?

Yes, you can take a picture of a burp. But, you need a special camera. Scientists in America used a special camera to take pictures of cow burps. The camera was in space!

Why did the scientists take pictures of cow burps from space?

When cows burp, they make a gas. This gas is called methane.

Too much methane makes the world hotter. So, too much methane is not good for the world.

The scientists want to find out where the methane is. They can see where the methane is in the pictures from the satellite. This can help them understand how much methane there is in the world.

What does a picture of cow burps look like? In the pictures from space, they look blue. That's right! A cow burp looks blue in a photo!

What about farts? I wonder what a fart looks like? 我很好奇放屁會是什麼樣子?


  1. burp 打嗝
    Cows burp, and we burp too. 牛打嗝,我們也打嗝。
    So we also make methane. 所以我們也製造甲烷。
    We make more CO2. 我們製造比較多的二氧化碳。
    It's another kind of gas. 它是另外一種氣體。

  2. take picture 拍照
    Would you take a picture of me? 幫我拍一張照片好嗎?
    Of you eating watermelon? 拍你吃西瓜喔?
    Yeah, I want to post the picture on my Facebook. 對,我要把照片po在臉書上。

  3. photo 照片
    What's so special about the photo? 這張照片有什麼特別?
    It can cool people down. 可以讓人覺得涼快一點。

  4. camera 照相機
    My camera takes 4 photos in one second. 我的相機每秒拍四張照片。
    That's an amazing camera! 真驚人的相機!

你經常拍照嗎? 來讀讀單字。
burp 打嗝
take picture 照相
photo 照片
camera 相機


  1. Where were the special cameras?
    A: On farms
    B: In space
    C: In America

  2. Why are cow burps bad for the world?
    A: They make a bad smell.
    B: They hurt other animals.
    C: They make the world hotter.

  3. What color is a cow burp?
    A: Blue
    B: Brown
    C: Purple


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A