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Sports Make You Tough

Sports Make You Tough

News For Kids

2022/09/01 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

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Hi, students! Do you play sports like basketball? Or maybe you like to play baseball… tennis… or bowling!

If you do like to play sports, I have good news for you! Playing sports makes people tougher. It also makes them try harder. And it makes them braver.

How do I know that? Well, some scientists at an American university told us. First, they asked people about themselves. They asked them some questions to see if they are hard workers. They also asked them if they are brave and if they easily give up.

Then, the scientists looked at the answers to see which people were tough. After that, they asked them if they play sports. They found that people who play sports are tougher than those who don't play sports.

Some people think sports aren't important. But, now you know they are! Sure, sports help you to be healthy. But they also help you to be tougher and braver. And they make you more hard-working. If you play sports, you won't give up easily. All of that is important in life.

So, I think sports could help you be more successful in life, too!



  1. work hard 努力工作
    It's late. 很晚了。
    I know, but I have to get this done. 我知道,但是我一定要把這個做完。
    You work too hard. 你太用力工作了。

  2. give up 放棄
    No, I just don't want to give up. 不是,我只是不想放棄。
    But you've got to know when to stop. 但是你得知道什麼時候要叫停。

  3. brave 勇敢的,braver 更勇敢
    Playing basketball makes me braver. 打籃球讓我更勇敢。
    How so? 為什麼呢?
    I can push and shove other people. 我可以推擠別人。
    That's not being brave! 那不是勇敢!

  4. ask 詢問
    Where are we now? 我們現在在哪裡?
    I have no idea. 我不知道。
    Let's ask that woman. 我們來問問那位女士。

So what kind of sports do you like? 來讀讀單字。
brave 勇敢的
braver 更勇敢
work hard 努力工作
give up 放棄
ask 詢問


  1. What is this story about?
    A: The hardest sport to play
    B: How sports make people tough
    C: Why people like to play sports

  2. Where did the scientists work?
    A: A German restaurant
    B: An American university
    C: A Nigerian cafe

  3. What does give up mean?
    A: To quit
    B: To be generous
    C: To work harder


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A