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Super Shrimp

Super Shrimp

News For Kids

2021/09/16 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Did you know there is a shrimp that can punch as fast as a bullet?! 有一種蝦子 揮拳的速度跟子彈一樣快?

What? That's impossible, right? 怎麼可能?

No! It's true! There really is a shrimp with a super punch! 這種超級蝦我們把牠叫做蝦蛄。

This super shrimp lives at the bottom of the ocean… and when it is hunting for food… it punches really hard!

In fact… this shrimp has the strongest punch of any animal in the world! It's not super big, but it is super strong! 蝦蛄的兩隻前腳長得就像拳頭,出拳的力量是所有動物裡面最強的。

When the shrimp gets hungry, it gets ready to punch. Maybe the shrimp sees a crab… "Hmm, yum … dinner is here!"

Then the shrimp gets close… and… The shrimp's punch is as fast as a bullet! 牠的揮拳可以跟子彈一樣快! Isn't that amazing?

Some people like to keep a super shrimp as a pet… but be careful! Sometimes they punch so hard…

They break the glass of the fish tank! Wow! 假如你想飼養蝦蛄當寵物,要小心,因為牠們甚至能打破金魚缸的玻璃! That's one super strong shrimp!



  1. Ocean 海洋。
    The shrimp live at the bottom of the ocean. 這種蝦住在海底。
    Yes, and it only leaves home when hunting. 對,而且只有在打獵的時候才離開家。

  2. Hunt 打獵。
    What food does it hunt for? 牠獵捕什麼東西當食物?
    It hunts for fish, crabs or shellfish. 牠會獵捕魚,螃蟹或是貝殼。

  3. As fast as 一樣快。
    You go ahead. 你先走吧。
    I can't walk as fast as you. 我沒辦法跟你走一樣快。
    Oh, I'm sorry. 真抱歉。
    I'll slow down. 我來放慢腳步。

  4. Careful 小心的。
    You want to be careful when on a boat. 你在船上時要小心。
    I know. I'll be careful. 我知道,我會小心。

Okay, let's read the words together.
ocean 海洋
hunt 打獵
as fast as 一樣快
careful 小心的


  1. What is special about the shrimp in the story?
    A: It's super big!
    B: It can eat a whole elephant!
    C: It has a super-strong punch!

  2. How fast can the shrimp punch?
    A: As fast as a bullet.
    B: As fast as a train.
    C: As fast as a horse.

  3. Why should you be careful if you keep this shrimp as a pet?
    A: It can break the glass of a fish tank!
    B: It can eat you!
    C: It likes to sing very loudly!


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A