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Portable Charger for Electric Vehicles

Portable Charger for Electric Vehicles

News For Kids

2022/04/25 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

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Hey, kids! Has your mom or dad ever run out of gas? I hate running out of gas!

This is also a problem for electric vehicles, or EVs. But electric vehicles don't use gas. They use electricity. So, EVs don't run out of gas. They run out of power.

This can be a big problem for electric cars and scooters because they must often be recharged.

What happens when your EV runs out of power? One company called ZipCharge has the answer. They made a charger. This charger can recharge EV batteries. They call this charger the ZipCharge Go.
有一間叫做 ZipCharge 的公司做出了一個給電動車用的充電器。

The ZipCharge Go is heavy, about 22 kilograms. It looks like a small suitcase, with wheels!

So, the charger is portable. People can put it in their car's trunk. So, if their car's battery runs out of power, they can charge it.

It takes just 30 minutes to one hour to charge the battery. Then, the car can travel about 50 kilometers. So, drivers won't have to worry so much about their car battery losing power.

EVs are very quiet, and they are also better for the environment. They don't pollute the air like regular cars or scooters do.

I think EVs are great!


  1. run out of 用完
    We're running out of toilet paper. 我們的衛生紙就快用光了。
    Let's go to the supermarket. 我們去超市一趟。
    I'll get the car. 我去開車。

  2. gas 汽油
    But we're running out of gas too. 但是我們的汽油也快沒了。
    Luckily, we still have the scooter. 我們很幸運,還有摩托車。

  3. scooter 摩托車
    What's wrong? 怎麼了?
    I can't seem to start this scooter. 我好像發動不了這台摩托車。
    Did you charge it yesterday? 你昨天有充電嗎?
    No, I forgot. 沒有,我忘了。

  4. battery 電池
    Now what should we do? 現在我們怎麼辦?
    That's okay. It only takes an hour to charge the battery. 沒關係,充飽電池只要一小時。

These are useful words.
run out of 用完
gas 汽油
scooter 摩托車
battery 電池


  1. What did the company called ZipCharge make?
    A: A small electric vehicle
    B: A battery that lasts a long time
    C: A charger for EVs

  2. What does "portable" mean?
    A: Something is easy to carry.
    B: Something is easy to use.
    C: Something is very quick.

  3. Which is NOT true about ZipCharge Go?
    A: It is very light.
    B: It is convenient.
    C: It looks like a small suitcase.


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A