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Tiny Cow Superstar

Tiny Cow Superstar

News For Kids

2021/09/08 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

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Hey, everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a very cute new superstar. 今天要跟你介紹一個新的明星。

Thousands of people have already been to see this superstar at a farm in Bangladesh. 好幾千人已經跑去孟加拉這個農場追星。

What kind of superstar lives on a farm? 是什麼樣的明星會住在農場?

Well, a cow superstar, of course! 就是一頭牛明星!

The cow is getting famous because of its size! It's tiny, and also really cute! 這頭牛會出名,因為牠體型超小,又很可愛。

The cow's name is Rani, and she is 2 years old. 這隻牛叫 Rani, 牠2歲了。

The farmer says Rani is just 51 centimeters high. That's about the size of a dog! 農夫說 Rani 才51公分高,跟一隻狗狗差不多!

If it's true, 51 centimeters would be a new world record. 如果 Rani 真的 51公分高,牠會破世界紀錄!

The current record is held by a cow in India, who measured 61 centimeters high in 2014. 目前保持紀錄的是一頭61公分高的印度牛。

Soon people will go to Rani's farm in Bangladesh to measure her and see if she really is that small. 很快的會有人去量Rani是否真的那麼小。

I can't wait to find out Rani has broken the world record!



  1. Cow 牛。
    I was scared of cows when I was young. 我小時候很怕牛。
    I'm very afraid of cows even now! 我到現在也很怕牛!

  2. Small 小的。
    So you prefer small animals like cats and dogs? 所以你比較喜歡像貓狗這種小動物嗎?
    They are not small enough. 牠們不夠小。
    I prefer birds. 我比較喜歡鳥類。

  3. World record 世界紀錄。
    We're going to set a world record tomorrow! 我們明天要創世界紀錄!
    Great! But a world record for what? 真棒! 但是什麼世界紀錄呢?
    For eating the most mango ice cream. 吃最多芒果冰淇淋的紀錄。

  4. Farm 農場。
    Let's visit the Yilan flower farm tomorrow. 我們明天去逛逛宜蘭花卉農場吧。
    Okay, I love that farm! 好啊,我很喜歡那個農場。

cow 牛
small 小的
world record 世界紀錄
farm 農場


  1. What kind of animal is getting famous?
    a. A chicken
    b. A pig
    c. A cow

  2. Where does the animal live?
    a. Bangladesh
    b. Brazil
    c. Japan

  3. Why is the animal getting famous?
    a. She is really big
    b. She is really small
    c. She is really fast

1: C
2: A
3: B