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Kaohsiung Zoo 2022

Kaohsiung Zoo 2022

News For Kids

2021/09/24 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

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Taiwan has many zoos.

One of our bigger zoos is in Taipei… the Taipei Zoo, 台北木柵動物園。

A smaller zoo is in Kaohsiung, 壽山動物園。

The Kaohsiung Zoo is almost 40 years old. Some of the places for the animals are too small… but… I have good news! 高雄的動物園已經有四十年了,一些動物的家太小了,但是我有好消息!

People in Kaohsiung City are fixing the old zoo. They will work for about one year. After one year, the old Kaohsiung Zoo will look very new … all the cages and spaces for animals will be bigger and nicer! 高雄壽山動物園開始整修了,一年之後它會改頭換面!動物住的地方都會變大變好。

I'm really excited to see the new zoo! The animals will have a lot more space and… this is really cool… there will be a restaurant at the zoo that's in a big monkey cage! You can eat your lunch in a big monkey cage! 還會有一家餐廳,就在超大的獼猴籠子裡面,你就可以在裡面吃飯了。

I'm happy the animals will have more space. I think the animals will be much happier in the new Kaohsiung Zoo. It's coming in September 2022. 整修過後的壽山動物園,明年九月開放喔!



  1. Fix 修理,整修。
    I need to fix my house. 我需要修理房子。
    What's wrong with it? 它有什麼問題?
    The roof is leaking. 屋頂在漏水。
    That really needs fixing. 那真的需要修。

  2. Space 空間。
    Children should have more space as they grow bigger. 小孩越長越大,應該有更多空間。
    I agree. But the school's space is limited. 我同意,但是學校的空間有限。

  3. Cage 籠子。
    Why do they put birds in cages? 為什麼他們把鳥關在籠子裡?
    So they don't fly away. 牠們才不會飛走。

  4. Happy快樂的,happier 更快樂。
    But they are not happy in a cage. 但是牠們在籠子裡不開心。
    You're right. They would be happier outside. 你說得對。牠們在外面應該更快樂。

Okay, let's read the words.
fix 修理
space 空間
cage 籠子
happy 快樂的
happier 更快樂


  1. Where are the two big zoos in Taiwan?
    A: Jinmen and Tainan
    B: Changhua and Pingtung
    C: Taipei and Kaohsiung

  2. Why are they fixing the Kaohsiung Zoo?
    A: Because it's too old and the animals need more space
    B: Because the zoo is too big
    C: Because the zoo has too many elephants

  3. Where will a restaurant be at the Kaohsiung Zoo?
    A: Next to the lions
    B: In a big monkey cage
    C: In the trees


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B