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An Art Museum in Sweden for Selfies

An Art Museum in Sweden for Selfies

News For Kids

2022/05/25 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

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Some people love going to museums… but other people think art museums are… um… a little boring.

What do you think? Do you like looking at art?

Well, there's one art museum in Sweden I think almost everyone would want to go to.

At this museum in Sweden, there is no art hanging on the walls.

In fact, this museum has nothing on the walls!

This museum has rooms filled with giant balls, huge pillows, and other cool things… like a room full of pink washing machines!

Why? Well, the museum wants you to take photos, or videos, or selfies in the rooms.

The museum wants you to be the art.

You take pictures. And then, your selfie or video becomes art… your art. Art made by you…for you!

I think this sounds super fun. I like art museums… but, I have to say, sometimes they can be a little boring.

It's a pretty interesting idea. Don't look at art… BE the art!

What do you think? Should we build this kind of museum in Taiwan? Would you like to make art and BE art?


1) art 藝術
Let's go to the art museum tomorrow. 我們明天去藝術博物館吧。
What kind of art is there? 它有哪一種藝術?
The best kind, movies. 最好的一種,電影。

2) museum 博物館
A museum about movies? 電影博物館?
That sounds interesting! 聽起來很有趣!
So we're going to watch a movie? 所以我們要看一場電影嗎?
We're going to watch many movies. 我們要看很多電影。

3) take photo 照相
Hey, we should take a photo here. 我們應該在這裡照一張相。
On the street? 在街上?
Yeah, we can take it right here. 對,我們可以就在這裡拍。

4) full of 充滿
But the street is full of people. 但是街上都是人呢!
That's okay. I don't mind. 沒關係,我不在意。

所以你喜歡逛美術館或是博物館? 來讀讀單字。
art 藝術
museum 博物館
take photo 照相
full of 充滿


  1. Where is the museum in the story?
    A: Switzerland
    B: South Korea
    C: Sweden

  2. What is hanging on the walls of this museum?
    A: Old art from China and Japan
    B: Pictures of monkeys and pizza
    C: Nothing!

  3. What does this museum want you to do?
    A: Take pictures, selfies, or videos in the museum
    B: Be quiet!
    C: Look at art for 10 hours


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A