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Dogs are Human Whisperers

Dogs are Human Whisperers

News For Kids

2021/09/23 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Good boy… good boy!

We all know that dogs are people's best friends. They keep us company, help us with all sorts of jobs, and, well, just make us happy! 狗狗是人類最好的朋友,牠會讓我們開心!

Every dog owner says their dog is the smartest. And every dog owner says their dog really understands what they say. They say dogs know when you're happy or sad, and will respond. 養狗的人都認為他們的狗很聰明,聽得懂他們說的話。

A new study shows that this is actually true. Dogs can actually understand people's actions, much more than other animals can. 新研究發現,狗狗真的懂人類的動作。

For example, dogs understand pointing. If you point at something, a dog will know you are pointing at that thing. Wild wolves don't have this ability. Even chimpanzees can't do this, and they are humans' closest relative. 假如你用手指指一樣東西,狗狗會知道你指的是那一樣東西。這種事野狼不會,連最接近人類的黑猩猩都不會。

The researchers who did the study think this ability may be genetic. That means it is passed down from generation to generation. It's not just something dogs learn from their owners. 研究人員認為這個能力是遺傳的,不是學來的。

Dogs really are our best friends! If you have a dog, tell them you love them! They do understand you! 狗狗真的是我們最好的朋友!



  1. Understand 了解。
    Sometimes I feel my dog is the only one that understands me. 我有時候覺得我的狗是唯一了解我的。
    Yeah, I know what you mean. 是啊,我懂你的意思。

  2. Animal 動物。
    Dogs are smart animals. 狗狗是聰明的動物。
    They really are. 真的是。
    They can tell if you're angry or happy. 你是在生氣還是高興,牠們都看得出來。

  3. Learn 學習。
    Where did they learn all that? 牠們從哪裡學來的呢?
    Their parents didn't teach them. 牠們的爸爸媽媽可沒有教。
    I think my dog learned it from me. 我想我的狗是跟我學的。

  4. Friend 朋友。
    So am I your best friend or is it your dog? 所以我還是你的狗,是你最好的朋友?
    I'm afraid it's my dog, Jane. 恐怕是我的狗。

We've learned some useful words today.
understand 了解
animal 動物
learn 學習
friend 朋友


  1. What animal is talked about in this story?
    A. Dogs
    B. Cats
    C. Bananas

2. What did research discover about them?
A. Dogs really understand humans.
B. Dogs really love sniffing things.
C. Dogs are not as smart as we thought.

3. What do people call dogs?
A. Very very smelly
B. Man's best friend
C. Worse than cats


  1. A
  2. A
  3. B