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Frankenstein Book Sells for Record Price

Frankenstein Book Sells for Record Price

News For Kids

2021/10/29 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Woahh! Oh, that's right! It's almost Halloween! Will you dress up for Halloween? 萬聖節快到了!你那天會換裝嗎?

Maybe become a witch or a vampire? 要變成巫婆還是吸血鬼?

Or what about the monster from one of my favorite scary stories, Frankenstein! 還是科學怪人?!

Frankenstein is a story about a crazy scientist who wanted to create life. He made a big green man from… ewww… other body parts… An arm here… A leg there… He put the body together… and somehow… brought the monster to life! 科學怪人的故事是在講一位瘋狂的科學家,做出了一個怪物, 還給他生命!

Lots of people like to dress up as Frankenstein's monster on Halloween!

And did you know? The story of Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley over 200 years ago! Mary Shelley寫的科學怪人已經有200多年歷史。

Recently, one of the first Frankenstein books ever printed sold for over 32,000,000 Taiwan Dollars! 其中一個最早出現的版本,最近被賣了超過3千2百萬台幣!

Woah! That's a world record for a printed work by a woman! Wow! What a price for an old book! It's a great story though, check it out… if you dare!



  1. Monster 怪物。
    Why do people like monster movies? 為什麼人們喜歡怪物電影?
    You mean like "Jurassic Park?" 你是說像侏儸紀公園嗎?
    That's dinosaurs. That's not a monster movie. 那是講恐龍。它不是怪物電影。

  2. Story 故事。
    Have you read the story about Frankenstein's monster? 你讀過科學怪人的故事嗎?
    No. But I know many stories about monsters. 沒有,不過我知道很多怪物的故事。

  3. Crazy 瘋狂的。
    Amy is planning to climb Jade Mountain on her own. 艾咪準備一個人去爬玉山。
    That's crazy! 那太瘋狂了!
    She can't go alone! 她不能一個人去。

  4. Dress up as 打扮成。
    So you are dressing up as a… giraffe? 所以你要打扮成長頸鹿?
    No, silly. I'm dressing up as a horse! 別傻了,我要打扮成一匹馬。

monster 怪物
story 故事
crazy 瘋狂的
dress up as 打扮成


  1. What special day is talked about in the story?
    a. Christmas
    b. Halloween
    c. New Year's Eve

  2. What is the story of Frankenstein about?
    a. A friendly dog
    b. A vampire
    c. A scientist who made a monster

  3. How long ago was Frankenstein first written?
    a. 10 years ago
    b. 55 years ago
    c. Over 200 years ago

1: b
2: c
3: c