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Hug A Turkey On Thanksgiving

Hug A Turkey On Thanksgiving

News For Kids

2022/11/24 | 00:05:05 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Today is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. That means many families will come together to eat a big meal.

Do you know what people eat on Thanksgiving?

They eat mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, and turkey!

What's a turkey? A turkey is a kind of bird. It's like a chicken, but bigger. A turkey has a huge tail, a red neck and a blue face.

This year, one farm in the US is doing Thanksgiving their own way. They won't eat turkey. Instead, they let people come hug their pet turkeys!

That's right! In the city of St. Louis, one farm helps animals that have been hurt. Animals can go to that farm to heal and be happy.

The farm has many animals: pigs, ducks, cows. They even have two turkeys. The turkeys are named "Neptune" and "Smudge".
這間農場裡面有很多動物:有豬、鴨、牛、還有兩隻火雞,牠們叫做 Neptune 跟 Smudge。

Today everyone is invited to come to the farm and meet the turkeys. They love to let people hug them, and feed them, and talk to them. Listen carefully… they might even say something back!


  1. chicken 雞, duck 鴨子
    Poor turkey! 可憐的火雞!
    So many of them are eaten every year. 每年有那麼多被吃掉。
    Same for pigs, chickens and ducks. 豬啊,雞啊,鴨子也都一樣呀。

  2. pumpkin pie 南瓜派
    I guess you're right. 你是對的。
    But I only eat pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving Day. 不過我在感恩節只吃南瓜派。

  3. feed 餵食
    So you're vegetarian. 所以你吃素。
    Not entirely. 不完全是。
    When I was little, I enjoyed hugging and feeding animals. 我小時候喜歡抱抱動物,餵牠們吃東西。

  4. animal 動物
    I'd like to be a friend to animals. 我想要當動物的朋友。
    You can eat fish. 你可以吃魚。

chicken 雞
duck 鴨子
pumpkin pie 南瓜派
feed 餵食
animal 動物


  1. What kind of animal is a turkey
    A: Fish
    B: Bird
    C: Mammal

  2. Where is the farm that lets people hug turkeys?
    A: New York
    B: Los Angeles
    C: St. Louis

  3. On this farm, what can people do with turkeys?
    A: Hug them
    B: Dance with them
    C: Eat them


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A