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Unicorn Robot

Unicorn Robot

News For Kids

2021/10/25 | 00:05:36 | SoundOn #education

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Would you like to ride on a unicorn?

I know, I know… unicorns aren't real. But one company in China wants to make robot unicorns! They want to make robot unicorns for kids to ride on! 中國有一家公司準備推出機器獨角獸讓小孩騎。

The company in China says their robot unicorn will have a supercomputer inside it, so it will be very smart. 這些機器獨角獸內建超級電腦,所以是非常聰明的獨角獸。

The robot unicorn will have cameras to help it 'see' what's around it… so, it won't fall over if it's walking up a hill. This robot will almost be like one of those fancy cars that don't need a driver. 獨角獸還有眼睛,走路或是爬山的時候,它不會跌倒。

And… they say the unicorn will be able to talk to you… so it can be … your friend! 而且它還能跟你講話!

The first robot unicorns will be very expensive… but after a few years, maybe they will be cheap enough for lots of kids to get one! 機器獨角獸剛開始會很貴,但是以後也許會降價,讓很多小孩都可以有。

Wow! Pretty cool! Can you imagine riding to school on a robot unicorn? 你能想像騎著獨角獸去上學嗎?

But… hey… what about me? I want to ride a robot unicorn to work! But… I'm not a kid… can they make a big one for adults?



  1. Robot 機器人。
    I want a robot that can talk to me. 我要一台會跟我講話的機器人。
    My robot has to know how to cook. 我的機器人一定要會做菜。

  2. Talk 談話。
    My father doesn't talk much. 我爸爸不大講話。
    So what does he do? 那他都做什麼呢?
    He watches TV and sleeps. 他看電視,睡覺。
    My dad talks a lot! 我爸爸很愛講話。

  3. Expensive 貴的。
    A robot is expensive. 機器人很貴。
    Like a million NT for one? 一台賣一百萬嗎?
    I think it's more than that. 應該比那個還貴。

  4. Cheap 便宜的。
    That's too expensive! 那太貴了。
    But you don't want cheap robots. 但是你不會想要便宜的機器人。
    Cheap robots don't talk. 它們不會講話。

So do you plan to buy a robot?
robot 機器人
talk 講話
expensive 貴的
cheap 便宜的


  1. Where is the company that wants to make robot unicorns?
    A: India
    B: Japan
    C: China

  2. Why will the robot unicorn be "smart"?
    A: Because it went to school for a long time
    B: Because all unicorns are super smart!
    C: Because it has special computers and cameras inside

  3. What else might the robot unicorn be able to do?
    A: Fly
    B: Swim
    C: Talk

1: C
2: C
3: C