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Man Makes Art with a Pickle

Man Makes Art with a Pickle

News For Kids

2022/09/30 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

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Hey, students! Let's talk about art. There are paintings, and drawings… There is sculpting… Even photography can be art!

Almost anything can be art, even a vegetable!

In New Zealand, a man named Matthew Griffin made art with a pickle!

He put a pickle on the ceiling of an art gallery in New Zealand. It's a little dirty because it has sauce from a hamburger on it. The sauce makes the pickle stay on the ceiling.

People can buy this art. It costs 187,000 NT dollars. What? I can't believe it… 187,000 NT dollars for a dirty pickle!

Do you think anyone will buy it? Well, a few years ago someone taped a banana to a wall. That was art too, and someone paid more than $3 million NT dollars for it!

I should do something like that. Maybe I can put a carrot on a wall! I will only charge $30 million NT for it. Would you like to buy my carrot?
下一次我也要把紅蘿蔔黏在牆壁上!我只賣… 三千萬台幣好了!

Well, I'm going to the store right now to buy some more fruit and vegetables! I love art!


  1. painting 畫
    Wow, you did this painting yourself? 哇,你自己畫的這幅畫嗎?
    Yeah, I'm an artist, you know. 是啊,你要知道我是藝術家。

  2. hamburger 漢堡
    You call this… hamburger art? 你把這個漢堡叫做藝術?
    What's wrong? 有什麼不對?
    You don't like hamburgers? 你不喜歡漢堡?
    Not when it's on the wall. 它在牆上的時候我不喜歡。

  3. buy 買
    I'm selling it for 10,000 NT. 我要出價一萬元把它賣掉。
    Are you kidding? Nobody will buy it. 你開玩笑嗎? 沒有人要買的。

  4. someone 有人
    You're quite wrong. 你錯了。
    Someone has asked about it. 已經有人來問了。
    It must be your mother. 一定是你媽媽。

Let's read the vocabulary.
painting 畫
hamburger 漢堡
buy 買
someone 有人


  1. Where can people see this pickle art?
    A: France
    B: New Zealand
    C: The USA

  2. How did the pickle stick to the ceiling?
    A: With tape
    B: With a hammer and nail
    C: With sauce

  3. How much did someone pay for the banana art?
    A: More than 30 million NT
    B: More than 13 million NT
    C: More than 3 million NT


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C