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New Taipei Gold Museum Launches Virtual Museum

New Taipei Gold Museum Launches Virtual Museum

News For Kids

2021/10/07 | 00:05:36 | SoundOn #education

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I am so bored… Because of COVID, I try not to go out that much. If I don't go to places where there are a lot of people, I may avoid getting sick. 因為COVID的關係,我現在都避免外出。

But I miss going out! I miss seeing different things. I miss going to department stores, I miss concerts, I miss museums. 我想念可以外出的時候,可以去百貨公司、音樂會,還有博物館!

Luckily, there is one museum that I can visit without even leaving the house!

The New Taipei City Gold Museum has created a "digital museum," 新北市黃金博物館最近有了數位版本。

This means they put the things in their museum online. This way people can see the things inside the museum through their computers, phones, and tablets. 用電腦、手機, 跟平板電腦就可以看到博物館裡面的東西。

Their system also lets people explore the museum using virtual reality technology, 透過虛擬技術,就可以走進博物館! Virtual reality technology makes it seem like you're really there.

You can also look very closely at some of the things inside the museum by clicking on them. 只要點一點滑鼠,就可以近距離觀看。That is so convenient!

More museums should do this. 更多博物館應該要這樣做。



  1. Convenient 方便的。
    You can buy so many things online! 上網可以買好多東西!
    It's very convenient, isn't it? 真方便,不是嗎?

  2. Digital 數位的。
    Everything is digital now. 現在所有東西都數位化了。
    Not everything. 並不是所有的東西。
    For example, we can't eat digital food. 比如說我們就不能吃數位食物。

  3. Look 看。
    But you can look at the food and order what you like. 但是你可以上網看菜色,然後訂你喜歡的。
    You don't have to go out. 都不必出門。
    That's true. 這是真的。

  4. Gold 黃金。
    I love gold. 我愛黃金。
    Who doesn't? 誰不愛呢?
    Let's visit the Gold Museum this weekend. 我們這周末去拜訪黃金博物館吧。
    Alright. 好啊。

So what have we learned today?
convenient 方便的
digital 數位的
look 看
gold 黃金


  1. Where is the museum in this story?
    a. New Taipei City
    b. Taipei City
    c. Tainan City

  2. What is the museum called?
    a. The Gold Museum
    b. The Rock Museum
    c. The Virtual Reality Museum

  3. What can you use to visit this museum online?
    a. Computers, phones, and tablets
    b. Computers, phones, and glasses
    c. Computers, video games, and earphones


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A