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Wild Meat You Can Eat

Wild Meat You Can Eat

News For Kids

2022/05/12 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Would you like to try a tiger steak? How about a lion burger? Or maybe you'd like a yummy bowl of elephant meat noodles!

What? Eating tigers and lions and elephants? That's crazy!

We need to save those animals… not eat them!

No tiger or lion or elephant is REALLY going to be eaten… but, with a special kind of science… we could eat animals without hurting them!

You see, every living thing is made of tiny 'cells'. There are dog cells, cockroach cells, flower cells… You have cells too! We are made from over 75 trillion cells!

So, scientists just take a few cells, copy them, and make meat!

This isn't a crazy idea. Scientists have already done it with cow and pig cells without any animals getting hurt!

So, one day someone said, "Hey! Maybe people would like to know what an elephant tastes like!"

What do you think? You could try lion, or tiger, or… any animal!

Anyone want some Gorilla McNuggets?


1) science 科學, scientist 科學家
Scientists can grow meat from a few cells ! 科學家可以用幾個細胞就種出肉來!
That's not new science. 這不是新的科學了。
They already made ears out of cells. 他們已經用細胞做出耳朵。

2) tiger 老虎。
I sure don't want a tiger steak. 我可不要吃老虎肉排。
Maybe it tastes great! 也許味道很棒呢!

3) lion 獅子。
Or you may want to try some lion meatballs? 也許你想嚐嚐獅子肉丸?
No, yew, that sounds terrible! 不了,聽起來真難吃!

4) made of 組成,製成
Ice cream is made of milk, butter, and sugar. 冰淇淋是牛奶,奶油和糖做的。

These are fun words to learn.
science 科學
scientist 科學家
tiger 老虎
lion 獅子
made of 組成


  1. How can scientists make meat without hurting an animal?
    A: Take cells from the animal, copy them, and grow them
    B: They ask them nicely
    C: They take hair from the animal and copy it

  2. What does one company want to do?
    A: They want to eat vegetables
    B: They want to copy lions
    C: They want to make meat without hurting animals.

  3. Is the idea of making meat with cells possible?
    A: Yes. Scientists have already done it!
    B: No, but it's a cool idea
    C: Maybe, but we can only make hippo hamburgers


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A