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Tiny Book Sold for Big Price

Tiny Book Sold for Big Price

News For Kids

2022/02/11 | 00:05:28 | SoundOn #education

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Tiny Book Sold for Big Price

Oh, hello. I'm reading a book. It's a really interesting story. But it's a big, heavy, and long book! It's taking a long time to finish.

I might try a shorter, smaller book next time.

Not too small though. Not like a tiny book I heard about recently that's so small you can't even read it!

Made in Germany, this book is just 5 millimeters by 5 millimeters. That's the size of the end of a pencil!

If you want to read it, you'll need a magnifying glass because the words are so small!

The book was recently sold for over 130,000 NT! Someone paid a lot of money for a teeny-tiny book that's really hard to read! Unbelievable!

Not only that, but if you put the book down for a second, it could be gone! It's so small you could easily lose it!

I think I'll stick with my big book. Now, where was I?



1) Story 故事。
Toy Story is a fun story. 玩具總動員是很好玩的故事。
It's a story for children. 那是兒童故事。
I know, but I enjoy it too. 我知道,不過我也喜歡看。

2) Interesting 有趣的。
Many adults find children's books interesting. 很多成年人覺得童書很有趣。
You mean like the Harry Potter books? 你是指哈利波特那種書嗎?
Yeah, don't you find them very interesting? 你不覺得它們十分有趣嗎?

3) Word 文字。
Those books are not easy. 那些書並不簡單。
You're right. There are many difficult words. 你說對了,它們有很多困難的字。

4) Tiny 很小的。
This is a really small hamburger. 這是個好小的漢堡。
Mine is tiny, too. 我的也很小。
It's only a mouthful. 只有一口就沒了。

Let's read the words together.
story 故事
interesting 有趣的
word 文字
tiny 很小的


  1. What item is the story about?
    A: A book
    B: A car
    C: A pencil

  2. Where was it made?
    A: Germany
    B: Spain
    C: Canada

  3. What is special about the item?
    A: It's huge
    B: It's tiny
    C: It glows in the dark


  1. A
  2. A
  3. B