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Naughty Dog Eats Thousands of Dollars

Naughty Dog Eats Thousands of Dollars

News For Kids

2022/12/21 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Xiao Hei! Put that down! Xiao Hei! Be good! No… no… Xiao Hei… you broke my favorite cup! Ahhhh.

Sometimes my dog can be naughty, just like a little kid!

Xiao Hei is usually a good dog. She doesn't bark, and she's very friendly. And she never eats my money.

Eat money? What? Yeah. I'm thinking about a story from America.

Last month, a woman in America made a video. In the video she was very sad because her dog chewed up and ate about 2,000 U.S. dollars… that's over 60,000 NT

The money was on a table. The woman and her husband went to go do something, and when they came back just a few minutes later… Oh my! The dog had chewed and eaten most of the money!

She said she was sad, but of course, she understands it wasn't the dog's fault.

And, there's a happy ending: they saved some of their cash! The man and woman used sticky tape to put their money back together, and took it to the bank to swap the ripped money for new money.

So remember, be kind to animals, even when they are naughty… and, if you have a dog, don't leave money on the table!


  1. friendly 友善的
    Nice dog! 真是好狗!
    Yeah, Charlie is super friendly. 沒錯,查理非常友善。
    He likes all my friends. 他喜歡我所有的朋友。

  2. chew 咀嚼
    Has he ever caused trouble for you? 他有給你惹過麻煩嗎?
    Just once. 只有一次。
    He chewed up my mother's bag.他啃我媽媽的皮包。
    Did he find it delicious? 他覺得包包很好吃?
    I guess so. He chewed it to pieces.我想是,他把皮包啃得破破爛爛的。

  3. sad 悲傷的
    Was your mom angry? 你媽媽有沒有生氣?
    No, but she was a little sad. 沒有,但是她有點傷心。
    She loved that bag.她很愛那個包。

  4. money 金錢
    So you bought her a new one? 所以你買了新的給她?
    Well, I gave her the money, and she bought another dog. 我給了她錢,結果她買了另一條狗。

friendly 友善的
chew 咀嚼
sad 悲傷的
money 金錢


  1. When was the woman's video made?
    A: Last year
    B: Last month
    C: Last Christmas

  2. How much money did the dog eat?
    A: 2000 U.S. Dollars
    B: 2 U.S. Dollars
    C: 200,000 U.S. Dollars

  3. How did they fix some of the cash?
    A: Glue
    B: Safety pins
    C: Sticky tape


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C