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Lottery Winnings to Help the Planet

Lottery Winnings to Help the Planet

News For Kids

2022/06/07 | 00:05:28 | SoundOn #education

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I want to ask you a fun question. What would you do if you won the lottery? I mean a really big, big lottery. No, more money than that. Yes, lots and lots and lots of money.

Would you buy a really cool sports car? Or maybe an airplane? Or a big house with a big swimming pool?

Or would you use the money to help save our planet. That's what one man from France did.

He won nearly $220 million U.S. dollars in a lottery. Wow, 220 million?! Then he decided to give almost all of that money away! He wants to use the money to help protect forests and plant trees, especially in France.

The French guy is worried about the Earth. He knows the world has a lot of environmental problems, like pollution and climate change. He thinks planting trees and protecting forests can really help the world.

So, I guess he's not going to buy an airplane. Or a cool sports car. What a great guy!


  1. win 贏得
    I can't imagine winning 2 million NT. 我不能想像贏兩百萬。
    I once won 200 NT. 我有一次贏了兩百塊。
    I just put it in my pocket. 我就只把它放進口袋裡。

  2. million 百萬
    If I win 20 million, maybe I'll buy something. 如果我贏了兩千萬,也許會買些什麼。
    Yeah, like what? 是嗎,比如說什麼?
    Like a burger store. 比如買一家漢堡店。

  3. give away 送出去
    You like hamburgers that much? 你那麼喜歡漢堡喔?
    I do. But I want to give away some burgers too. 對,但是我也要送一些漢堡給人。

  4. buy 購買
    What else will you buy? 你還會買什麼?
    A trip to Iceland. 去冰島旅行。
    I'd like to see the volcanoes there. 我想看看那兒的火山。

What will you buy if you have lots of money? 來讀一讀單字。
win 贏得
million 百萬
give away 送出去
buy 購買


  1. How much money did the man win?
    A: Almost $2 million dollars
    B: Almost $20 million dollars
    C: Almost $220 million dollars

  2. What did the man do with the money?
    A: He bought an airplane
    B: He bought a sports car
    C: He gave it away

  3. Where does the man live?
    A: In the United States
    B: In France
    C: In Spain


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B