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Bowls Drive Fish Crazy

Bowls Drive Fish Crazy

News For Kids

2022/03/04 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


When you think of pets, you probably think of dogs and cats first, right? But, what do you think is the third-most popular pet?

It's fish! Fish are fun to look at and come in all different shapes and the most amazing colors!

It might seem easy to have pet fish, but they actually need a lot of care.

You shouldn't feed them too much, the tank needs to be kept clean and needs a filter too.

And did you know, even the shape of the tank is important too?

That's right, you know those round fish bowls? They are actually really bad for fish! It's hard for them to breathe and the shape makes them crazy!
圓形的魚缸其實對魚很不好,會讓牠們很難呼吸, 甚至會發瘋耶!

Imagine it!

Swimming round and round with curved glasses on, making everything look weird. I'd go crazy too!

Some places have already stopped selling round fish bowls.

Maybe if you want to get a pet fish, try to get a big tank for them.

After all, if you're going to have a pet, you want it to be happy, right?


1) Fish tank 魚缸。
I'm going to get a fish tank. 我要弄個金魚缸來。
For your turtles? 為了你的烏龜嗎?
No, for my frogs. 不,為了我的青蛙。

2) Swim 游泳。
I'm learning to swim like a frog. 我正在學習像青蛙一樣游泳。
So you want to watch them swim? 所以你想觀察牠們游泳?
Exactly. 正是如此。

3) Want 想要。
Don't you want to swim like a fish? 你不想要像魚一樣游泳嗎?
I do. But first, I want to learn from frogs. 我想啊,不過我要先學蛙式。

4) Round 圓形的。
Babies have round eyes and faces. 嬰兒有圓圓的眼睛和臉。
I have a long face. 我有一張長臉。
You're not a baby! 你又不是嬰兒!

Let's read the words.
fish tank 魚缸
swim 游泳
want 想要
round 圓形的


  1. What is the third-most popular type of pet?
    A: Dogs
    B: Fish
    C: Giraffes

  2. Which of these does a pet fish need?
    A: A filter
    B: A bikini
    C: A towel

  3. What should you not do to a pet fish?
    A: Put them in a fish bowl
    B: Feed them
    C: Give them water


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A