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Hikers Banned from World's Tallest Tree

Hikers Banned from World's Tallest Tree

News For Kids

2022/09/07 | 00:05:40 | SoundOn #education

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Hey there! Today we're walking along a beautiful mountain path. Exercising like this is called 'hiking'. It's such a fun way to get outside and get active with your friends!

There are great places for hiking all over the world. In the USA they have over 200,000 miles of hiking paths! That's the same as walking all the way around the world 8 times!

When you are hiking it is very important to stay on the path at all times. If you leave a hiking path you could step on a wildflower, or an animal's house!

You wouldn't want a giant foot stepping on YOUR house, would you?! Me neither…

Even big plants and animals can be hurt by bad hikers.

Did you know the world's tallest tree is in the States? It's called 'Hyperion', and scientists think it could be 800 years old!
全世界最高的樹在美國,叫做 Hyperion,已經八百歲了!

To see Hyperion, though, people have to get off the hiking path. They leave lots of garbage everywhere, and hurt nature very badly. Plus they stand on the tree for photos and selfies, which hurts it too!

Now the area around Hyperion has been made 'off-limits'. That means that, if anyone tries to walk to Hyperion, they could be fined a lot of money. They might even go to jail!

If you don't look after nature properly it will not survive. It is up to all of us to respect it, and treat it with kindness.

That way everyone can enjoy hiking, and all life on the planet will be safe and healthy.


  1. go hiking 健行
    Would you like to go hiking with me this weekend? 這周末要不要跟我去健行?
    Go hiking where? 去哪裡呢?
    To Cao-ling Path. 去草嶺古道。

  2. mountain path 山徑
    It's a mountain path. 它是一條山徑。
    But it leads to the sea. 不過通到大海。
    I know. It's a beautiful path. 我知道,它是很美的一條路。

  3. step on 踩踏
    I stepped on a snake there. 我在那裡踩到一條蛇。
    A snake? So you hurt nature? 一條蛇? 所以你傷害了大自然?
    No, the snake was fine. 沒有,那條蛇沒事。

  4. fun 好玩的
    We can still go. 我們還是可以去。
    It's fun to see the birds there. 去那裡賞鳥很好玩。
    Great! I can't wait. 太好了,我等不及了。

So will you go hiking someday? 來讀讀單字。
go hiking 健行
mountain path 山徑
step on 踩踏
fun 好玩的


  1. How many miles of hiking paths are there in the USA?
    A: Exactly 200,000 miles
    B: Under 200,000 miles
    C: Over 200,000 miles

  2. What is the name of the world's tallest tree?
    A: Wildflower
    B: Hyperion
    C: Garbage

  3. How are people hurting the world's tallest tree?
    A: Standing on it for selfies
    B: Hitting it with a hammer
    C: Pushing it off a cliff


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A