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Store Uses Robots to Deliver Coffee

Store Uses Robots to Deliver Coffee

News For Kids

2022/10/14 | 00:05:36 | SoundOn #education

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Hi, students! Let's talk about robots. Lots of companies use robots.

There is even a convenience store in Taiwan that uses robots. It's in Kaohsiung. The store in Kaohsiung is testing robots to deliver coffee.

This robot doesn't look like a person. It looks like a cart. It is a cart with wheels that can travel inside and outside to deliver coffee to people.

Why is this cart a robot? It can move on its own. It doesn't need people to push it. The robot cart can even take an elevator by itself!

This robot can deliver up to 24 orders at once. To deliver that many coffees with a human would cost a lot of money, but this store in Kaohsiung thinks using robots will be much cheaper. Which means food and drink could be cheaper too!
這個機器人一次可以送24份餐, 店家說在人力成本上能夠省下很多錢!

That's pretty cool. There is also a convenience store in Hsinchu that is testing a different kind of robot. This one is a flying robot. This flying robot is called a drone.

The store wants to use drones to deliver things to people who live in rural areas. Do you know what another name for "rural" is? It's the countryside. The drones could help people living in the countryside a lot.

What a great idea!


  1. deliver 運送
    I'm so hungry! What's for dinner? 我好餓!晚飯吃什麼?
    How about beef noodles? 牛肉麵怎麼樣?
    Good idea! Let's get it delivered. 好主意,我們叫外送吧。

  2. by oneself 靠自己
    Why is our food so late? 為什麼我們的食物這麼慢?
    I hope someday the food comes by itself. 我希望有一天食物自己送上門。
    That's not going to happen. 不會發生那種事的。

  3. drone 無人機
    Why not? There are drones, right? 為什麼不會?有無人機了,對吧?
    A drone flies into our home with beef noodles? Wow! 帶著牛肉麵的無人機飛進我們家?哇!

  4. help 幫助
    Yeah, a drone could really help us. 對啊,無人機真的可以幫上忙。
    Here comes the delivery man! 送貨員到了!

deliver 運送
by oneself 靠自己
drone 無人機
help 幫助


  1. What will the robot in Kaohsiung look like?
    A: A cart
    B: A person
    C: A coffee cup

  2. What is a flying robot called?
    A: A store
    B: An elevator
    C: A drone

  3. Where will the flying robots in Hsinchu deliver things to?
    A: To other convenience stores
    B: To people in the countryside
    C: To people in big cities


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B