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Family Finds Bears Living Under Their House

Family Finds Bears Living Under Their House

News For Kids

2022/06/22 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Does your mommy or daddy snore when they sleep? No? Well, some people snore really loudly.

Last winter, a family in California heard some strange noises.

Later, they asked their neighbors. "Have you heard any strange sounds? It's a deep rumbling sound. It kind of sounds like snoring." 他們跑去問鄰居:「你們有聽到類似打呼的聲音嗎?」

But the neighbors said, "No, we haven't heard anything. It's probably nothing. People sometimes think they hear things, but it's just the wind or something. Don't worry about it." 但是鄰居說:「沒聽到。可能只是風聲吧,別擔心!」

Then one day the family noticed something under their house. Bears! Yep! A bear family was sleeping under their house! 這家人後來發現有熊睡在他們的房子下面。

Many kinds of bears sleep in the winter. These bears saw a home with some space underneath. 很多種熊都會冬眠。剛好這些熊也找到一個好睡覺的地方。

The people called a special team that knows how to take care of bears. The special bear team helped lead the bears to the forest and away from people. 這家人請來專家,把熊帶進森林,遠離人群。

So maybe the noise was snoring! -Not from people; from bears! 所以他們之前聽到的,可能是熊的打呼聲!


1) snore 打鼾,sleep 睡覺
Do you snore, Paz? 你會打鼾嗎?
I hope I don't. 我希望不會。
But I'm not sure. 但是我不確定。
Do you? 你呢?
I do. I snore like a bear. 我會。我打呼聲像一頭熊。
Oh my, we can't sleep in the same room then. 那我們不能睡同一間房。
I also talk in my sleep. 我睡覺時也會講夢話。

2) space 空間
Hmmm, this space is too small. 這個空間太小。
It can only take about 20 people. 只夠容納約莫20個人。
And we need a space for 50. 而我們需要可以容納50個人的空間。

3) strange 奇怪的
Today's clouds look strange. 今天的雲看起來很奇怪。
Yeah, the color is so red. 對,顏色太紅了。
Could the forest be on fire? 可能是森林起火了嗎?

I hope it's not a forest fire! Let's read the words.
snore 打鼾
sleep 睡覺
space 空間
strange 奇怪的


  1. What do many bears do in the winter?
    A: Drink hot soup
    B: Wear warm clothes
    C: Sleep

  2. What did the family think the noise was?
    A: Screaming
    B: Snoring
    C: Singing

  3. What did the neighbors say the noise was?
    A: "It's nothing. Maybe it's just the wind."
    B: "That sounds like a train."
    C: "Maybe it's a baby or a cat."


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A