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Taiwanese Man Will Come Home After 40 Years

Taiwanese Man Will Come Home After 40 Years

News For Kids

2022/12/06 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

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Do you like to travel? It's fun to visit another country. You can eat different food and meet interesting people. You can even hear another language.

It's great to travel and see new things, but it's also great to come home. Some people travel for a few days, or even a few weeks. What if you didn't come home for 40 years?

That's what happened to a Taiwanese man named Mr Chen. He was a fisherman. When he was young, he worked on a boat catching fish.

Once, the boat went to an island near Spain. Mr Chen went into town to make friends with the island people.

There, he fell asleep. When he woke up, his boat was gone.

Mr Chen was sad, but he made the best of it. He learned to speak Spanish. Then he became a chef, and learned to cook the local food. He even got married and had seven kids.

He stayed on that island for 40 years.
他在那邊生活了 40 年!

Recently, he met another Taiwanese person, who helped Mr Chen call his family.

Now he wants to bring his wife and kids back to Taiwan. He knows it's never too late to come home!


  1. travel 旅行
    You just came back from Mexico. 你才剛從墨西哥回來。
    And now you're going to Malaysia? 現在你又要去馬來西亞?
    Yeah, I love traveling. 對,我喜歡旅行。
    I get to meet different people… 我可以碰到不同的人…
    And eat some delicious food. 並且享用美食。
    Yes! 是的!

  2. food 食物
    So how do you like Mexican food? 所以你覺得墨西哥食物怎麼樣?
    It's spicy but tasty. 很辛辣但是很好吃。

  3. chef 大廚
    I also made friends with this chef. 我還跟一位大廚成了朋友。
    He's been to Taiwan before. 他來過台灣。

  4. interesting 有趣的
    He says Taiwanese people are interesting. 他說台灣人很有趣。
    I agree. 我同意。
    I find many people here interesting, too. 我也覺得這裡很多人很有趣。

Do you remember these words?
travel 旅行
food 食物
chef 大廚
interesting 有趣的


  1. Why did Mr. Chen leave his boat?
    A: To go catch fish
    B: To go make friends
    C: To go eat dinner

  2. Where did Mr. Chen spend 40 years?
    A: Japan
    B: Canada
    C: Spain

  3. What does Mr. Chen want to do now?
    A: Come back to Taiwan
    B: Fall asleep
    C: Get married


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A