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The Pet Crocodile That Loves a Cuddle

The Pet Crocodile That Loves a Cuddle

News For Kids

2023/04/11 | 00:05:10 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hey there! Today is International Pet Day. I'm at my local pet store. I want a new pet!

Let's see… They have dogs… cats… and birds… Hi! Oh, and they have… crocodiles?
今天是國際寵物日,我在寵物店裡面,這裡有狗狗、貓咪、小鳥,還有… 鱷魚?

A man named Jonathan has a pet crocodile! Jonathan lives in Mexico. He went to a pet store there. He bought a small, green, and angry crocodile! Jonathan named her Gamora. Gamora is the angry alien in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies!
Jonathan 住在墨西哥,他去寵物店買了一隻小小、綠綠,還很兇的鱷魚!Jonathan 叫牠 Gamora,Gamora 就是星際異攻隊裡面那個生氣的外星人。

Crocodiles can be very scary! They have the strongest bite in the world. A crocodile bite might be stronger than a T. rex bite!

Jonathan is lucky. Gamora isn't scary. She loves cuddles. Gamora acts like a dog! She sleeps in Jonathan's bed. She poses for photos too!
不過 Jonathan 很幸運,因為 Gamora 不恐怖,牠喜歡抱抱,就像狗狗一樣!牠還睡在 Jonathan 的床上,還會擺姿勢拍照!

Gamora swims in a pool. She has a nice, dry place too. She sunbathes there.
Gamora 可以在池子裡游泳,也可以在外面做日光浴。

Gamora eats lots of meat. Jonathan has two pet Chihuahuas too. They are lucky. Gamora hasn't eaten them! Yet…
Gamora 吃很多肉, Jonathan 還有兩隻吉娃娃,幸好 Gamora 還沒有把他們吃掉…

Hmm… Maybe I'll get a goldfish instead!

鱷魚真的能當寵物嗎? 墨西哥這隻小鱷魚好像可以。

  1. swim 游泳
    I often feel lonely. 我常常覺得寂寞。
    I think you need a pet. 我覺得你需要養寵物。
    What can it do? 寵物能做什麼?
    It'll love you and swim with you. 牠會愛你,跟你一起游泳。
    You mean a dolphin? 你是說海豚嗎?

  2. bite 咬
    Don't be silly; you can't buy a dolphin. 別傻了,你買不到海豚。
    Most dogs can swim. 大部分狗狗都會游泳。
    But I don't want a pet that bites. 但是我不要會咬人的寵物。

  3. scary 讓人害怕
    Then maybe you'd like rabbits. 那你也許會喜歡兔子。
    Rabbits are not scary. 兔子不會讓人害怕。

  4. pet store 寵物店
    No, no rabbits. 不要兔子。
    How about goldfish? 金魚怎麼樣?
    Let's go to a pet store first. 我們先去寵物店吧。

swim 游泳
bite 咬
scary 讓人害怕
pet store 寵物店


  1. What is Jonathan's pet crocodile's name?
    A: Galaxy
    B: Gamora
    C: Guardian

  2. Where does Jonathan live?
    A: Mexico
    B: Monaco
    C: Morocco

  3. What other pets does Jonathan have?
    A: Cheetahs
    B: Chihuahuas
    C: Chimpanzees


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B