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Couple Weds at Taylor Swift Concert

Couple Weds at Taylor Swift Concert

News For Kids

2023/04/26 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Narrator: Hi! I'm at a wedding. The bride… She's so beautiful!

Voice: You may now kiss the bride…

Narrator: What a beautiful wedding!

Every couple wants something different for their wedding. Some couples want a small wedding. Some couples want a big wedding. And some couples want a very, very different wedding!

Rene and Max are a couple. First they wanted a small wedding. But then Rene had a crazy idea…

Rene is a "Swiftie". A Swiftie is a Taylor Swift superfan! Is Taylor Swift your favorite singer? Do you love her more than all other singers? Yeah? Then you're a Swiftie too!
Rene 跟 Max 原本只想舉辦小型婚禮,但 Rene 是一個 "Swiftie",也就是泰勒絲的粉絲。

Rene and Max went to a Taylor Swift concert. Max was wearing a nice black suit. Rene was wearing a beautiful white dress.

They waited and waited… Then Taylor Swift began to sing Rene's favorite song. Rene walked slowly to Max. They were in front of the stage.
新郎穿著西裝,新娘穿著婚紗參加泰勒絲的演唱會,當泰勒絲唱到 Rene 最愛的歌曲時,Rene 在舞台前面緩緩地走向 Max。

Rene and Max were having their wedding at a Taylor Swift concert! They kissed. Thousands of Swifties cheered! There's a video for their wedding. It's on the Internet. People have watched it over 6 million times!
兩個人在泰勒絲的演唱會完婚,在好幾千位 Swiftie 歡呼聲中接吻。這部影片在網路上點閱超過六百萬次!


  1. crazy 瘋狂的
    Have you ever thought about your wedding? 你有想過你的婚禮嗎?
    I have. 想過。
    Will you do something crazy? 會不會做一些瘋狂的事?
    Probably not. 大概不會。

  2. favorite 最喜歡的
    But I do want to get married outdoors. 不過我是想在戶外結婚。
    Like in the mountains? 比如說在山上?
    Yeah, one of my favorite places is Sun Moon Lake. 對,我最喜歡的地方之一是日月潭。

  3. first 首先
    First I'll invite all my friends there. 首先我會邀請所有的朋友去。
    And then I'll have someone sing for us. 然後請人為我們唱歌。

  4. wear 穿著
    And wear a beautiful white dress. 然後穿上美麗的白色洋裝。
    Sure, white is pretty. 當然,白色很好看。

crazy 瘋狂的
favorite 最喜歡的
first 首先
wear 穿著


  1. Where did Rene and Max have their wedding?
    A: At home
    B: At a concert
    C: At a 7-11

  2. How many times have people watched their wedding video?
    A: 6 million times
    B: 6 billion times
    C: 6 trillion times

  3. What is a "Swiftie"?
    A: A nice black suit
    B: A beautiful white dress
    C: A Taylor Swift superfan


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C